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If this is a small area on the skin but your hamster otherwise looks fine (moving OK, eating and drinking normally, bright and alert, etc), you can keep an eye on it for a few days and see if it resolves on its own. It may just be an irritated area from a scrape or scratch that will heal on its own.

However, if your hamster has other signs of illness, or the lump doesn't start looking better within 48 hours, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian to have the lump evaluated. This could be anything from a skin infection to cancer.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Go to the local pet hospital and have a licensed veteranarian take a look at it.

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14y ago

That happened to my hamster and i took him to the vet and they took care of him and he was okay.... so i suggest you bring it to the vet. Happy to help!

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11y ago

You should go to the vet immediately, hamsters are very prone to cancer.

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11y ago

take it to the vet.

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Q: What should you do since hamster has a lump on her foot?
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There are no home remedies for tumors, you should get your hamster checked by a vet.

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it wqill have a lump on its butt

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A lump in your foot could be soft tissue swelling, a bony problem or a skin problem.

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take him to the vet immediatly. if you don't he could loose his foot all together, and then he won't be able to do normal hamster things like climb or run around very easily. he could even be put to sleep

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A lump on your foot could be metatarsal-cuneiform joint exostosis depending on where the bump actually is, the talonavicular joint is pretty close by and this joint is also prone to exostosis. Or. Excess growth. witch is normally harmless, and surgery could be done to remove them, but that is only recommended if it was pushing on a nerve very close to them and causing nerve pain. if you have a lump on your foot you should see a good doctor.

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Most likely a wart.

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The best way to get medical advise is to see a doctor. There is no way to tell what a soft, painful lump on the heel of your foot without an examination.