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Q: What should you do when an emergency vehicle with a siren and flashing lights approaches while you are crossing an intersection?
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What flashing red lights at a railroad crossing mean?

(in the US) Some cities and towns have installed a system at major intersections that can be activated when an emergency vehicle (fire apparatus - ambulance - police) are on an emergency assignment and approaching that interesection. The flashing strobe is an indication to motorists to be alert for emergency vehicle traffic and be prepared to stop regardless of the indication of the regular traffic lights.

What does a flashing yellow light at an intersection mean?

Proceed with caution.

How long does a traffic light stay red for?

This differs depending on the intersection. Some intersections are forever flashing red. Some intersections only turn green when there is a trigger such as a pressure-pad or a crossing signal.

When you encounter an emergency vehicle using flashing lights and a siren what must you do?

If it is safe for you to do so and ensuring you do not break any laws yourself (eg crossing a red light), try and pull over to let the emergency vehicle past.

You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection the flashing light means?

It means you should slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. "Slow down and cross the intersection carefully."

What does a flashing amber light at the pelican-crossing mean?

it means there is a pedestrian crossing

What does the flashing yellow traffic light mean at an upcoming intersection?


You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection The flashing yellow light means?

It means you should slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. "Slow down and cross the intersection carefully."

A flashing yellow light at an intersection?

The flashing yellow lights means proceed with caution.

What is a flashing red light at an intersection equal to?

A flashing red light at an intersection is equivalent to a stop sign. It indicates that drivers must come to a complete stop before proceeding, and they should yield the right of way to any other vehicles or pedestrians before proceeding through the intersection.

What is required at a flashing yellow light?

A flashing yellow light means you should drive with caution when approaching and moving through the intersection.

What is a railroad crossing controlled by flashing lights and or crossing gates?

Active crossing. A highway-railroad grade crossing that has flashing lights with or without crossing gates is called an "active railroad crossing". This is because it is activated automatically by the approach of a train, and shut off as the train passes. In the US, there are crossings that may use flashing lights that are not activated automatically, but nearly all were retired in the US by 1990. The watchman controlled flashing light grade crossing in southern New Jersey made headlines when it was retired in 1990, as the last of its kind in the country.