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How are up the finger did the nail break?

If the hamster broke a tiny chip of nail, it will heal on it's own. If the hamster broke the nail into pink area of the nail, you should bring it to the vet for medicine. If the hamster broke the whole nail off, you definitely need to bring it to the vet!

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Q: What should you do when your hamster breaks a nail?
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If your hamster has a long nail what should you do?

Clip it... you should know that... kinda obvious!!!

Your hamster ripped his nail the nail is still on but it looks strange what do you do?

My hamster recently actually had his nail ripped out because of its length i think he may have bit it. The vet says it should just heal because they usually dont need antibiotics or meds for it. You should get his nails clipped when their too long to prevent it.

How do you remove a nail after the head breaks off?

To remove a nail after the head breaks off simply drill through the nail with an equal sized drill bit.

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My dwarf hamster's tail is about the size of my pinky nail. How long is your pinky nail?

How small is a teddy bear hamster's tongue?

about the size of your pinkey nail. if that.

I'd like some helpful tips please on how to clip a dwarf hamsters toe nails. He hates to be held, so that makes it harder. I also have a magnifying lamp to help me see. Any tips will be appreciated?

preparing your hamster Tame your hamster. If your hamster is not tame enough to be handled, you will need to tame him before you can even think about trimming his nails. Practice holding your hamster in the “nail-trimming” position. Once your hamster is tame, and doesn’t mind when you hold him in your hand, spend a few minutes each day holding him in the position you will hold him in when trimming his nails. Practice holding his paw between your fingers. Once your hamster is comfortable sitting in the nail-trimming position, spend time each day holding each of his paws between your fingers. Begin with a very gentle grasp, and when he becomes more comfortable (e.g. doesn’t try to jerk his paw out of your fingers) begin to grasp a bit more firmly. You want your grasp to be firm but gentle when you trim the nails. Trimming Your Hamster’s Nails Alone Consider having your hamster’s nails trimmed by a veterinarian. If you have never done it before, it is a good idea to have your vet do it the first time. This way, you can watch the procedure, and see how it is done, as well as how long the nails should be. Gather your supplies. You will need good lighting (a small desk lamp may work well), a pair of small pet nail clippers or human nail clippers (you can also use nail scissors as well), some styptic powder to use in case you cut one of the nails too short, and treats for your hamster. Hold your hamster firmly in one hand. Don’t squeeze him too tight, but firmly enough that he is secure in your hand Hold one of your hamster’s paws. With the thumb and forefinger of the hand you are using to hold the hamster, hold his paw firmly. This way, you will be able to trim the nails of that paw. Look for the quick. This is why it is important that you have a bright light (or that you sit in bright sunlight). Hamsters nails are usually translucent, and with brighter light you will be able to see the quick. You should absolutely not cut this! If you do, it will be painful for your hamster and the nail will bleed. Place the nail in the clipper. Make sure that you are trimming only the nail, and not the quick! Clip the nail. Your hamster may squirm at the point if he feels frightened. Offer him a treat, if necessary. Continue trimming your hamster’s other nails. If you were successful with the first nail, and your hamster is still calm and still in your hand, proceed to the next nail. You should only continue to trim the nails for as long as your hamster will sit still. Reward your hamster. Once you are finished with the nail trimming session, reward your hamster with a treat. Although nail trimming will not usually be a pleasant experience for either of you, if you consistently reward him with treats, he will learn to associate nail trimming with something good. Trimming Your Hamster’s Nails with Help Ask someone for help. If you feel that you need some help trimming your hamster’s nails, you can have someone hold him for you while you trim. However, you should ask someone who has spent time handling your hamster rather than someone who has not. If the person who will help you has never handled your hamster, let them spend some time holding and petting your hamster for a couple of weeks before trying to trim his nails. Show your friend how to hold the hamster. Teach them how they should hold the hamster, and let them spend time holding your hamster in this position before attempting to trim the nails. Have your friend hold the hamster. Once your hamster is comfortable, you can ask your friend to hold the hamster in the correct position. Make sure you are underneath a bright light so that you will be able to see the nails easily. Grasp your hamsters paw in your hand. If he squirms, give him time to relax before attempting to trim the nails. Once he is still, very carefully place the nail between the blades, and snip it off. Repeat this for each nail. Reward your hamster. Once you have trimmed all of the nails, have your friend either hold him more loosely so he can relax, or place him back in his cage. Give your hamster some treats to let him know he did a good job.

What can you use to trim your hamster's toenails?

I use a small rodent nail clipper. Some cat nail clippers also work.

Can you put nail polish in a hamster cage?

well u can but it wouldn't be very smart

Does it matter if your Russian Dwarf Hamster has long nails?

Yes, it matters if your Russian Dwarf hamster has long nails since it gets dirty,can break and even hurt your hamster.If you want, you should go to the vet and get your hamster's nails trimmed. If you cant afford to pay for the vet, since vets cost a lot of money, get a nail clipper made for small animals and then cut your hamster's nails. But, you should ask a professional first.

How long after a hamsters water breaks does it take to deliver a baby hamster?

about six weeks.

How often should a hamster be cleaned?

A hamster cage should be cleaned weekly.

What to do if your nail art pen brakes?

If it breaks you use other nail art tools which may help and immediataly buy another one if it was helping you :))