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I had one and I didn't know what was in it, so I saved the game before I broke it. Then I broke it, got some coins and I liked the amount I got so I saved. Try that or compare the coins you get from the vase and the money you can get from selling it don't forget to save before you break it!

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Q: What should you do with a Very Fine Vase on Nintendogs- sell it or break it?
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Where do you get a very fine vase in Nintendogs?

You can get the vase in one of the presents whilr your walking your dog.

How do you get cool items in Nintendogs?

Well there not really a answer to that, but if you want to get rare item's you have to keep on taking your dogs for walks, looking after it well everyday. I've got a weird alien, Very fine vase & a pearl necklace :)

How do you break the vase on IQ ball?

When you start the level drop the vase to it's side and drag it towards the pole. Drop on the lower crack on the vase and it will break.

How do you beat level 24 in iQ ball?

knock down the vase and then hang on the poll thingy and jump onto the vase and it should break andget the target :0)

What do you do when you break your mom's vase?

'fess up & take the consequences...

Is there a vase made for a household with children, so that it will not break?

Yes, tupperware makes vases that will not break.

How do you use maybe?

Maybe I will go to the store. Did he break the vase? Maybe he did.

What to do when you break a vase?

glue it back together or tell the truth that you broke it.

Are there vases for certain kind of flowers?

Vases like Bormioli Rocco Capitol Flower Bud Vase is specially for buds.

What kind of vase can I buy that is affordable and wont shatter if dropped on the floor?

The Vazu vase is very affordable vase that folds flat. It will never break or tear and looks like expensive glasswear. It is glossy, colored and fashionable.

What to get my mom for mother's day when we're moving in a month and can't take anything major with us?

Flowers usually are a good bet. If you have a vase at home, you can order flowers without a vase. If no vase at home, you can order with a vase. It should not be difficult to take the vase with you when you move.

What style of vase should I purchase for larger flowers such as gladiolas?

Any vase over eight inches tall will be great for gladiolas, which require a deeper than normal vase.