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Eat very fast!

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Elyse Daniel

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Q: What should you do with the food when refrigerator stop working?
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How can you stop your refrigerator from working permanently?

It can be repaired no matter what you do or replaced, not sure of intent of your question

Does the refrigerator stop working when the light bulb dies?

Nope. It just means the lightbulb is dead.

How do you stop ice formation in a refrigerator?

Sell the fridge and store the food in a pantry

What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence They must stop eating your food from the refrigerator or must pay you?

In the sentence ... They must stop eating your food from the refrigerator or pay you?...from the refrigerator is the prepositional clause. 1) It is followed by the preposition FROM 2) The sentence would still make sense without the prepositional phrase... They must stop eating your food or pay you?

What are the measures taken to prevent adulteration?

first of all food should be tested and then consumed.government should stop working of company that take part in adulteration.

Eather you must stop eating my food from the refrigerator or you must pay me for it what is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?

the answer is Coordinating :)

Why is food stored in refrigerator?

To stop the food going off/rotten, also some foods taste better cold. Mostly it is to keep food fresh though.

Does turning a refrigerator on and off harm it?

well ur fridge can stop working it may lose power or something but its better if you dont mess with it ...

If you stop working out will your metabolism get worse?

As you get older your metabolism gets slower, if you were to stop exercising then your hunger should also go down, this will mean that your metab will be working just as well, you just won't need as much food as you would have done while exercising.

What are the plus' and minus' of Food additives and should we stop eating them altogether?

Yes,we should stop eating food with food additives because they can damage our health.

Should mindflex stop working right in the middle of the game?

Not unless you stop the concentration.

What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence Either you must stop eating my food from the refigerator or you must pay me for it?

There are two prepositional phrases : "from the refrigerator" and "for it".