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you should do nothing...just be patient and wait for the right time and you will know when the right time is.

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Q: What should you do you love this guy but he don't like you back and on top of it he is dating your best friend?
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You date her best friend

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if they are your best friend they should understand

You like this guy but he is dating your best friend what should you do?

just tell him and get over it you should feel happy for her she is your best friend

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you should try asking your boyfriend to talk to him

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Talk to her about it.

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What do you do if your best friend betrays your trust by dating your boyfriend?

I think you should ditch your best friend and replace her with another person who won't betray your trust by dating your boyfriend. That's what you should do.

My best friend is dating my other best friends ex boyfriend behind her back what should I do because if someone did the same to me I would want someone to tell me?

You should talk to your friend who is dating the other friend's ex about telling her. If she refuses and continues to see the ex, you might want to evaluate her interpretation of friendship and what kind of friend she is. Based on that, you may want to tell the friend yourself if the other refuses.

What do you do if you tell your best friend your dating there cousin?

You should tell her, they should be ok with it because they are not in love with their cousin and plus if she is really your best friend it will be cool with her.

What if your best friend likes you and asked you out and you are secretly dating someone else?

well if you like your best friend then you should go out with him|her... but if you don't your best friend then you should tell him|her, that you are going out with someone already.

If your best friend likes the guy you like and you and him are dating what do you do?

Neither of you should get to date him.

What if the person you like is your best friend but you don't know if they like you back?

Have the talk with your friend about dating in the hypothetical sense. Or have another friend find out for you.