

What should you feed a guinea pig over than pellets?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Vegetables. They can't make their own vitamin C, so red pepper and carrots are good. They also love lettuce (I feed mine red leaf lettuce). Green peppers are good too. Just make sure you're not giving it something that could hurt it.

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Q: What should you feed a guinea pig over than pellets?
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What are the main things guinea pigs can eat?

Guinea pig pellets, lettuce, carrots, cherries, any type of fruit really, bananas, bell peppers.

What kind of food can eat guinea pigs?

Probably the best thing to feed your guinea pig is guinea pig food. Guinea pigs also like to eat any kinds of fruits or vegetables. They also like to nibble on grass sometimes too.I have a guinea pig who just turned 1, and she loves to eat timothy hay and carrots. My guinea pig sometimes likes celery. You can try bannana but they dont really eat it.The best food to feed a guinea pig is a food that has timothy and doesn't have a big selection of different pieces. The thing with selection is, guinea pigs will pick and choose what they do and don't want to eat, so they won't eat everything. Also, guinea pigs can't make their own vitamin C, so they need to eat veggies with lots of vitamin C. Broccoli, oranges, and peppers have a lot of vitamin C.They need an unlimited supply of timothy, hay fresh water green peppers, cucumbers,oranges,apples, and blueberries. They also need plain pellets with no dried fruit or hay bits in it.Nuts, meats, and dairy. Do not even feed yogurt drops. They are very bad for piggies. And only feed carrots in moderation like only once a week or they can cause kidney and bladder stones.

Why is your guinea pigs poop crumbly?

your guinea pigs poo shouldn't be crumbly it should be moist and in a pellet shape. You should be feeding your guinea pig other things than just dry food. We feed our every thing from silver beat to left over salad! If this continues i suggest you see a vet or get a vets advice

Can you feed a baby guinea pig lactose free milk?

NO , please do not do this. you only give guinea pigs milk if you have to like if the mother has rejected it and it is under 4 weeks of age. but if your guinea pig is over 4 weeks of age, then you have no need to feed it any sort of milk at all. But if your guinea pig is under 4 weeks and it's mother is no longer with it, pure goats milk is the best for it. Hope this helps.

Should you feed Hens Laying food before they start laying eggs?

Yes. Most grain/feed stores have special layer complete feed that gives the new pullet the extra calcium and protein needed for good egg production. Hens raised for egg production should be started on this feed about one month before expected egg production. This means they can be switched from chick grower, over to layer mash or pellets at about 12 to 16 weeks of age.

How often should guinea pigs have vegetables?

Opinion 1:Yes. You can not feed a guinea pig cabbage and you have to feed carrots in moderation. Do NOT feed daily. Carrots are high in sugar and can cause kidney and bladder stones in guinea pigs.Opinion 2:There is no problem with feeding guinea pigs cabbage, as they will only eat as much as is good for them. Guinea pigs will not over-eat carrots, cabbage or any other vegetable. Simply remove the uneaten food each day so it is not left to rot.The only thing one should avoid is potato peelings. Also, if you are feeding your guinea pig pumpkin, avoid leaving the seeds in it, as these seeds can catch in their front teeth.

How much is a horses feed every year?

The price of horse feed will vary from horse to horse and even month to month. The best way to figure out the cost would be to figure out how much the horse you would be feeding weighs (1,200 pounds is about average). Then figure out how much of the horses body weight you plan to feed (1%-3% of bodyweight is normal with 2.5% being average.) So then you have how many pounds of food the horse needs,(1200 pounds at 2.5% is 30 pounds of food.). Next figure out what level of work the horse will be doing. No work to light riding means the horse should be receiving 100% of it's food as hay or grass. Moderate to heavy work means you should be feeding an appropriate pelleted feed. Following the bags instructions will tell you how much of the pellets to feed, then you subtract that number from the pounds of feed and what's left over is how much hay you should be feeding. (Say 5 pounds of pellets. so 30-5 =25 pounds of hay.) Next you'll want to add up how much hay and pellets will be fed over the coarse of the year and then the cost to feed them.

What can ginuea pigs eat?

they can eat guinea pig pellets, carrots, letuce, dried cranberries, apple, grapes, tree bark, twigs, leaves, grass, celery, pears, and any guinea pig treats in a pet store. these are all healthy treats that most guinea pigs enjoy, but do not over feed your guinea pig. Be careful what treats you buy, Guinea pigs can't eat any seeds, nuts, or dairy products which most treats have in them. Its better to feed them veggies. Be careful how often you feed certain veggies, and make sure they don't get to much calcium or they might get bladder stones.

Goldfish tank cloudy?

your over feeding your fish. Only feed it 3-4 pellets 2 times a day. If the cloud comes back try feeding it less. but do not under feed your fish.

What do you feed a normal fighting fish?

one small betta flake from your NutraFin Max betta food container If you have pellets (which I highley recommend!) you should feed them 3-4 (even 5-6)pellets twice a day. Just make sure not to over feed them, because that could make the betta sick and/or have digestive problems. -Raz The best way to tell how much your betta fish should eat is to feed the fish an amount about the size of the fish's eye. Feed your fish an eye siezed amount once or twice a day. This method ensures that you do not over-feed because the fish's stomach is about the size of its eye and by using this method you are not limited to, so many:pellets per fish, bloodworms per fish, or flakes per fish. Just remember to feed your fish a varied diet and to not overfeed.

Is the guinea worm the most endangered species?

No. Guinea pigs are one of the most over-populated species of animal. Everyone should adopt a guinea pig to avoid them suffering. Please save the guinea pigs!

Should you feed your horse 1 pound for every 100 pounds she is?

no you dont wont to over feed your hourse. just feed your hourse 3 pounds a day that should be plenty.