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Q: What should you feed your pigeon when it is too weak?
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Do you have to feed grundos?

Yes, you totally should feed your grundos! You don't have to, but after a while it gives you the sad face and it makes you feel guilty! But, yes, they are neopets too, and you should feed them.

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Fresh fruit and vegetables Millet will work well too, but should only be used as a treat. Feed it mainly seeds.

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You should feed your painted turtle about every day but not too much or your turtle can get sick.

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What should you not feed your guinea pig?

Do not feed your guinea pig tomatoes, too much lettuce, corn, potatoes, anything that has starch in it. (I learned about the tomato thing when my girl gp died after eating one :( ) you should also not feed your guinea pig too much fruit. too much of it will make your pig diabetic. if you give them any, you should make sure it is no bigger than the size of your thumb.

Should you put your red eared slider in a plastic container to feed it?

you can but it likes it in the tank too

Can you feed your rabbit snow peas?

Yes, but only as a treat. They should not be a daily food as they have too much sugar and can make the rabbits ill if they eat too many.

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Indicators are weak acid. Too much will alter the titre

There's a 3 day old baby squirell in my house what should I feed it?

feed it looooooootttttttttttttttttttttttts of nuts like, cashew, peanuts, apples are good too.

How do you return a lost homing pigeon to its owner?

Most homing pigeons have a band around there leg with a number inscription. If you contact your local pigeon club, more than likely you can trace it's owner. Also, the bird is called a homing pigeon for a reason. Unless injured or sick if released and not kept at your house for too long, it should return to it's owner.