

Best Answer

Like a human, there's nothing to instantly sober a dog.

However, giving them food will help. Alas, it's normally better to have a full stomach before getting drunk.

Let your dog get lots of sleep and water, and it'll pass eventually.

Next time, try and make sure your dog doesn't get drunk (; It's not any healthier for them than it is for us.

2nd Answer:

You could kill your dog by giving it or allowing it to consume alcohol. Your dog has a much smaller body mass than you do and alcohol is very toxic to it. Keep a close eye on your dog and make sure he or she has access to plenty of fresh water. If your pet doesn't seem to be doing much better after awhile, then take your pet in to be checked out by your Veterinarian. Your pet may need some IV fluids. Don't do this again to your dog. They only have us to watch out for them.

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Q: What should you give your drunk dog to get sober?
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