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You need to have a good understanding of the language, in terms of its structures, tenses, grammar, rules etc. It is not just good enough to be able to speak it. You need to have general teaching skills. You need to have skills in teaching the language itself, like the importance of what is known as the 4 skills. Those are reading, writing, listening and speaking. You need to have an understanding of the students and why they are learning the language and what their needs are. There are a lot of other things you need too. That is why people do courses to qualify them as English teachers. Doing a course like that will give you a lot more of what you need to know.

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Q: What should you know about teaching English as a Second Language?
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Should English be considered a global language?

English is already arguably a global language. It is spoken by almost 2 billion people worldwide. Also it is the only language where there are 3 times more people who speak it as a second language that those who have English as their native language. So, yes, English is a global language.

Why should you learn English as a second language?

It is an international language, spoken as the main language in many countries and also recognised in many other countries. Being able to speak it will help you if you travel a lot or deal with people from other countries that don't speak your language. It is also the international language for many things, like for pilots. It is always useful to have a language that many people around the world will understand, and English is one of those languages.

What are some methodological considerations in language teaching?

Some methodological considerations in language teaching include choosing appropriate teaching materials, adapting teaching strategies to suit students' learning styles and proficiency levels, providing opportunities for interactive and communicative language practice, and incorporating technology to enhance learning experiences. Teachers should also be mindful of cultural considerations and create a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

Should English be the universal language of America?

English is currently the most widely spoken language in America, but promoting it as the universal language raises concerns about inclusivity and diversity. Recognizing and supporting the linguistic diversity of different communities in America can help foster a more inclusive and equitable society.

Why important to the scientist to learn English?

English is a very important language every one should know about that.

Related questions

Am I qualified to teach English as a second language?

You should easily be able to get a job teaching English. Every school has their own set of guidelines and requirements, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Where can I teach English as a second language?

You have to go to university and study. Exactly what university will depend on where you live. Search on the internet for universities in your country that teach TESOL degrees If you are still at school then you need to do the best you can in English classes, you need to have a good knowledge of English grammar to be a TESOL teacher.

Give some examples of sentences using modals?

Basic modals (can, could, may, might, must, should, ought to, have to, have got to, had better).................. for the study and teaching of English as a second language.

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Before you can get a job teach English as a second language you must meet many requirements. You should have your toefl as well as experience in a regular teaching position.

Should English Immersion replace Bilingual Education?

It is a problem. Whereas English is very important in one's later life, learning subjects like Science, History or Maths in a language that is not your mother tongue is a huge handicap to scholars. They did an experiment in my city teaching science to boys at a private school in Xhosa (their second language) and they conceded it was virtually impossible to learn that way.

Are There schools that don't Teach Arabic on the UAE?

I think the question should be are the schools that don't teach Arabic as a first language in the UAE. yes, there are many private non-government schools teaching a variety of curriculum's including American and British; primary media of education in these schools is English, although there are also a number of first language Indian schools. Arabic is taught as a second language in all private schools and is compulsory as a second language in these schools until certain grades, when the students can select to take another language as a second language.

Why is reading English difficult?

Its not if you are raised with the english language, but if you are learning it for a second language it could be. There are a lot of silent sounds like "gh" and "au" which could make reading a challenge. But you should preserver as english is the 2nd most spoken language in the world and the language could really help you in the future.

I cant able to Speak fluent eng what i should to improve it?

There are classes that you can take at your local college that specializes in English as a second language to help improve your English.

Why English should not be the first language of India?

English is not the first language of India, and it should not be, because not enough people speak it as a first language.

Is English taught as a 1st language in Germany?

No, only at military bases and English schools. Germans begin learning English in the fifth grade. If you need an English speaking school for your child because English is your native language, you should contact the American Department of Defense school system and see if there are English primary schools in your area.

Should a second language be a requirement?

no no no no no no no

Should English be considered a global language?

English is already arguably a global language. It is spoken by almost 2 billion people worldwide. Also it is the only language where there are 3 times more people who speak it as a second language that those who have English as their native language. So, yes, English is a global language.