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Q: What should you put in a home for a pet slug?
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How do you keep slug pests out of the garden?

Put slug repellent on your plants after planting them.

Can nonmembers on fantage put pets in there homes?

No, they can't. You have to be a member to put a pet in your home.

How do you feed a slug?

put the food ( mostly any fruit, vegtable, and dandelions) in the slug's cage and the slug will approach it and eat it.

How do you put your pet in your house in fantage?

All you have to do is: go to your house. Then click on a pet. It will say bring out side or add to home if you want to put your pet in the home click add to home. if you want to take it out side click bring out side but you cant take out the pebbles family.

How do you sell a pet?

Advertise in the paper , put up flyers.whatever you do, make sure the pet is going to a good home.

How do you get a slug off your skin?

put salt on it

What should you do with your pet if a tornado is coming?

Put them on a leash or in a pet carrier and take them with you to shelter.

In marapets how do you put your pet to sleep?

you put a bed into your house. then, go to your house and click on the bed. a thing should pop up where you can select which pet you want to put to sleep.

How do you shampoo a slug?

1. get a slug 2. put shampoo in your hand 3. rub all over the slug 4. your done CONGRAGULATIONS! U JUST SHAMPOOED A SLUG!!!!!!!!! (this is kinda dumb because i posted the question.)

How do you put your pet inside your home on fantage without being a member?

You can't. Sorry! :(

Do you just drop the dirt on the slugs or do you put the dirt in and then you put them in?

you put the dirt down first and then the slug

How do you eat a Siamese Slug?

How to eat a Siamese Slug:Well, it is like eating any other slug. Put it in your mouth and swallow. Tada!