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Q: What should you study at secondry school when wanting to be in the police?
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Why should there not be police officers in school?

there should be for safety of kids

Is there a way to apply for a police job online?

If you are wanting to work in a police job you should first have your criminal justice degree and your resume. you can then go to the city or state website you wish to work and apply for police jobs there.

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no skills are nessesary but if your wanting to be lawyer you should get in to law school and see.

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It depends on the child. Are they constantly wanting to stay home or do they have a real reason for wanting to stay home. You should allow them freedom to choose but the parent has the last say.

What skills are necessary for lawyers?

no skills are necessary but if your wanting to be lawyer you should get in to law school and see how being a lawyer is suited for you

how can i get my baby dad for child support when he is in the army?

You should contact Military School Options at 1-866-573-6572. They should be able to assist you in finding a school in the region you are wanting and at a price you can afford.

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Secondry of CT should never kept open during functioning

Can the police get involved in schools?

School is for education. Young people belong in school. Teachers belong in school. Police belong anywhere there is crime. If a school finds it necessary to recruit or hire police protection, then there is something seriously wrong with the education system. Having police in our school can promote a distraction and make the students feel scared and uncomfortable.

What requirement should you have to attend nursing school?

If you are a high schooler wanting to get into nursing school, you academically need strong math, science, and writing/communiation skills, and the highest GPA you can attain.

Where can I find out about online school grants?

you can find different grants on line, all you have to do is look on the website of the college you are wanting to apply for and they should have information

Why year 7 and 8 should not do homework every school night?

Because you want to flunk out of school and be dumb - that's the only reason for not wanting to learn more and make better grades.

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You should do neither. Talk to your school counselor, your minister, a teacher, a police officer, a trusted adult, the school principal - any trusted adult and do it now.