

What should your horse be eating?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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You could feed it apples, hay, most horses that im around like to eat grass. Horses can eat bananas, and if your horse doesnt like any of those things, than you could try to mix some of them with water, and see how it likes it then.

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Q: What should your horse be eating?
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Do something else useful and needful and leave the horse alone to enjoy his/her food.

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Should you leave a horse alone when it is eating?

Should you? if possible yes. But on the other hand if you HAVE to handle your horse while it is eating then the horse should accept this. Sometimes you dont have time to wait around to let your horse eat before putting his rugs on etc and if you have to dont worry about it but it is nice to leave them to eat alone =] Since horses- when allowed to- spend about 16 hours a day eating, you should, because what if you need to ride or groom your horse during that 16 hours? Or if he has a vet appointment? True, he will want to keep eating, but you have to not let him walk all over you or he will try to get away with other stuff.

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Sometimes foals will start eating their own or their mother's dung in an attempt to get the nutrients that they are lacking. Eating dung is not dangerous for the horse, but doing so is a sign that the horse may be malnourished. A vet should be consulted on the proper diet and supplements for the horse and what his proper weight should be.

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it depends, all horses have difftrent eating habbits

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You probably should not eat any kind of brush, horse hair or any other type.

If your horse is not eating or drinking what is wrong?

um if he isnt drinking try giving him something called electrolytes that should help and eating.. get checked by a vet.

This one horse eats 24 hrspr day?

Do you mean the horse is always eating grass? If so, that is normal. Pasture horses eat constantly. If you mean the horse is always eating grain and hay, that is not good. You should feed your horse aout two times a day at the same times and feed them a reccomended amount that your vet should help you with. If you have any questions, be sure to reply to this. Sassy35242

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Take her to the vet right now!

Should you stroke your horse when its eating?

to be honest id advise you shouldn't stroke your horse when they are eating cause they could feel threatend and kick you and their kicks ain't nice when you give them their food just leave them till they have finished and when they do something good you should always give them praise and show them that you love them

It is important to worm your horse?

yes, it is VERY important to worm your horse, because the worms can mess up the horse's intestines and digestive system, by eating away at their organs walls. you should also ask your horse's vet for more info on this.