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A measuring cup is one such device.

A dipstick is also used to measure the space taken up by a liquid, although the answer is rarely given in standard units.

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Q: What shows how much space is taken up by liquid?
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Around 42 Megabytes (MB)

Does a liquid take up space?

Yes. To clarify: Solids : Take up a definite space and have defined shape Liquids : Take up a definite space but have no defined shape Gas : Have no defined space or shape.

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Displacement ... and, hence, displaced volume.

Does sugar dissolve differently in different liquids?

Yes, it depends how much sugar is in the liquid to begin with, the more sugar in the liquid to begin with, the slower the dissolving rate. This is because there is only so much space between the liquid particles for the sugar to go in.

Has there been air samples taken from space?

There have not been any air samples taken from space because there is no air in space. Space is vast and there are always particles (usually hydrogen and helium) floating around. However, there is so few particles relative to the vastness of space, that taking samples of the "air" wouldn't accomplish much.

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Because oxygen takes up much less space for the same amount of oxygen as a liquid rather than a gas.

Why is oxygen transported into space as a liquid?

You can store more fuel if it's present as a liquid because the particles are closer together than the particles in a gas.

How much gas is used in a space shuttle to go to space?

none liquid oxygen and hydrogen are used because of their large energy to weight ratio.... and lack of polution