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Poly block printing is a type of print which is created by carving into polystiring. You carve the design you want into the polystiring with a pencil. You then get a roller and roll ink onto a sheet of plastic, you continue to roll it until you get a strange bubbly noise. If not you have got too much ink and it wont work. You then roll over the polystiring with the roller and place it down on the paper. Get a clean roller and roll over the back of the polystiring to help it to print onto the paper. Then the paper is removed slowly. This process is then continued with lots of different colours gruadually being carved into more to get a range of colours and tone. I hope this was helpful xx

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Q: What si poly block printing?
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What is the importance of the block printing?

Block printing is important as it allows for mass production of images or text by transferring ink onto paper or fabric using a carved block. It played a significant role in the spread of information, art, and culture throughout history. Block printing also paved the way for the development of modern printing techniques.

Where did printing start?

it starts on the t'ang dynasty in china...this printing is called as "block printing".

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When was the printing block invented?

The printing block was invented in China around the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty. This early form of printing involved carving characters into wood blocks for reproduction.

What are the different types of block printing?

The different types of block printing include relief printing, where the design is carved into a block and then inked to transfer the design onto the substrate; intaglio printing, where the design is incised or etched into the block; and screen printing, where a stencil is used to transfer the design through a screen onto the substrate.

What kind kind of printing was invented by the tang Chinese?

Block printing.

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Wood block printing was used so multiple copies of something could be made.

Why was wood-block printing important?

Wood block printing was used so multiple copies of something could be made.

What is polyboard printing?

poly printing is a process where you draw on piece of paper then you stick it onto a polystyrene board poke dots into the board the you take it of and you will spread black in over it and press the inked face onto a piece of paper and there you have a poly print