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The ability to abstract, creatively is a more right-sided function of the brain. (There is a classic book - among others - called "Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain").

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Q: What side of the brain has creativity?
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Creativity and artistic ability is associated with which side of the cerebellum?

Creativity and artistic ability is associated with the right side of the brain, although recent studies show this is not strictly the case.

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right side of the brain is for your creativity and the left side is for logical reasoning

The side of the brain responsible for imagination is called?

The Cerebrum. Not only is it responsible for imagination, but also thought, perception, judgment, and decision.

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the left side of you're brain controlls all the logical things in life. the right side controlls you're creativity.

What are facts pertaining to the left side of your body?

The left side of your brain is your creative, logic side. So your left side of your body is the side that make you think about logic and gives you good creativity.

What are the different sides of the brain used for?

This has to do with neurological tracts that comes from the brain halves to the spinal cord. Tracts that come from the right brain cross over to the left side to the spinal cord, which controls nerve input and output from the environment on the left side. The same results occurs on the right side of the body from the left side of brain.

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Which hemisphere controls the right side of the body?

Neurons cross from the right side to the left, as do neurons cross from the left to the right, meaning your right side of your brain controls your left, and your left controls your right side.

Is it true that left handed people are more likely to be good artist?

Yes. The left side of the brain is the base of creativity, and the left side of brain controls the left hand, so the nerves from the brain go to the left hand. Short answer: yes, if you are right- handed good luck

What part of the brain lets you get dressed?

Your left brain, as that deals with logis and analysis, whereas the right side deals with creativity.