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As an Asthma sufferer from childhood I am aware that there are many signs of asthma, ranging from a tight feeling in the chest and breathlessness to wheezing and inability to breath which is leading to a full blown asthma attack. If you are getting breathless on exertion in excess of what is usual for your fitness level it is important to seek medical opinions rather than online help as asthma is a life threatening disease if not controlled well.

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Q: What signs do I need to look for that say I may have asthma?
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Can you join REME with asthma?

It may be possible to join REME with Asthma if you haven't shown any signs since before your 13th birthday.

Signs of respiratory distress?

Look for poor breathing and rough-sounding breaths coming from the child. If it is your child and you have had no history in your family of asthma, then it is most likely not asthma. Bu if the child is adopted, check it's family history. If the child also is coughing, that is a sign.

If you have asthma can you become a marine?

If you have asthma you cannot join. If you are found out to have asthma in boot camp, they will send you home. If you are found out later on to have asthma you may or may not be discharged. >>>: even if you have asthma it is still possible to be accepted, although you will have to obtain a medical waiver first, which is a difficult task but still very possible.

You Could Have Asthma...?

Asthma is a chronic condition that inflames the airways, making them narrow and making breathing a difficult task. Asthma is a condition that affects millions of humans everywhere, and the effects can range from mild to severe. Most people with asthma are diagnosed early in life because the signs are evident in exercise and illness. Nearly 12% of all children in America suffer from asthma. Causes and Triggers There are certain household issues that can cause and trigger asthma. Mold, mildew, and dust can cause asthma in young children. Therefore, if you live close to a watery area such as the beach, you should do the best you can to keep your home clean. Dusting and allowing your home to air out frequently will also help prevent asthma in young children. Asthma Symptoms If you are struggling with coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, then you may be asthmatic. These are some of the common symptoms that plague individuals with asthma. You could suffer from trouble sleeping, feeling tired, and constant cold symptoms as well. These are signs of asthma as well. You may not suffer from all of these symptoms at once, but you could still have the disease. Sometimes, these symptoms may surface and disappear for an extended period of time. You may have a severe attack and experience no other symptoms for a while. Some uncommon symptoms of asthma include anxiety, fatigue, trouble exercising, and difficulty sleeping. In any case, make sure you see your doctor at the first sign of asthma. Most symptoms of asthma can be alleviated with the use of an inhaler. Asthma Attacks You may be having an attack, but unaware of the signs of such. In asthma attack, you may experience severe wheezing, constant coughing, chest pain, blue lips, and difficulty talking. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then you need to go to the hospital immediately. Asthma attacks can be deadly if not handled in proper time. Asthma, like all chronic conditions, should not be taken lightly. You should go talk to your doctor or an asthma doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

What are signs of a severe asthma attack?

Some signs may include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. If your air passages are really clamped down, another sign may be no wheezes at all. Other signs may include itchy neck or chin, ease of irritation, anxiety, and the requirement to lean on things to breathe. Another sign is paradoxical breathing, which is raising your shoulders and sucking your abdomin in to breathe. Another key sign is a decrease in your peak flows numbers, or the amount of air that you can forcefully exhale after your deepest inhalation. The signs of asthma may vary from one person to another.

Why were the dried leaves crushed then lit and the smoke inhaled by asthma sufferers?

They shouldn't. Asthma sufferers, more than anyone else, should not smoke. It can exacerbate their asthma and even send them into an attack that may need hospitalization.

Why do doctors look at vital signs?

It gives them clues about what problems a person may or may not have.

What are the signs of Asthma in Children?

Asthma symptoms in children include a chronic cough and or coughing fits, less energetic playing, periods of weakness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and complaints of chest pains or tightness. If you suspect that your child may have asthma, your health care provider can properly diagnose and provide treatment for the disease.

What signs tell you a boy likes you?

Don't look for "signs". Honestly, the signs you see may or may not exist. Sometimes you may see "signs" just because you are looking for them. Just wait until he tells you he likes you before you get your hopes up.

For a little child what are some of the earliest symptoms that may indicate he or she has asthma?

Two of the main things you should look for are wheezing and a cough. This cough can be cronic or recurring which is normally worse at night time. If the child is a bit older, you can watch for flaring of the nostrils, agitation, and interrupted talking. While these can all be signs of asthma, they might not be as well so its always best to see a doctor to be sure.

Can you list some books about asthma?

The Asthma Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know by Francis V. Adams, MD Asthma (Just the Facts) All About Asthma and How to Live With It Ask the Doctor: Asthma The Asthma Self-Care Book : How to Take Control of Your Asthma Asthma & Allergies My House Is Killing Me! The Home Guide for Families With Allergies and Asthma Why Do I Wheeze? Children and Asthma: The Child With Asthma Childhood Asthma: What It Is and What You Can Do Control Your Child's Asthma: A Breakthrough Program for the Treatment and Management of Childhood Asthma The Parent's Guide to Allergies and Asthma American Academy of Pediatrics Guide to Your Child's Allergies and Asthma What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Children's Allergies and Asthma: Simple Steps to Help Stop Attacks and Improve Your Child's Health

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