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The signs are when bruno says he always sees them whispering together and how on his fathers birthday she walks out not realizing that brun is there and she says kurt darling your still here, im free now if you want to..... and she trails off when she sees bruno standing there. Also when bruno describes his parents argument when kotler is sent away and the way his mother acts.

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Marcel Strosin

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1mo ago

Signs that reveal Lieutenant Kotler is getting very close to Bruno's mother include increased frequency of their interactions, lingering glances or body language indicating a deeper connection, and private conversations away from others. Additionally, any special treatment or favors that Lieutenant Kotler bestows upon Bruno's mother could suggest a growing closeness between them.

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Q: What signs reveal that Lieutenant Kotler is getting very close to Bruno's mother?
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Claim: Lieutenant kotler is having an affair with bruno’s mother I need 3 evidence and pg number?

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Bruno's mother and sister likely ignore Lieutenant Kotler's bad qualities because they are trying to keep peace and maintain their safety in the difficult and dangerous environment they find themselves in. They may feel that speaking out against him could put them at risk or lead to more conflict. Additionally, they might rationalize his behavior by emphasizing his position of authority in the hierarchy of the camp.

Why is lieutenant kotler sent away?

this is a very good question and I Really enjoy answering questions like this about this book because we see the world thyrough the innocent eyes of bruno so things may not always be as they seem. one reason maybe the conversation at the dinner table when he says his father is in switzerland and he also admits that he has not told anyone about it. another reason may be is that the commandent ie brunos father finds out about his affair with his wife ie brunos mother you get this impression because there ia a page in the book where brunos mother walks in and says 'kurt darling I have some free time if you want to' then she realises that bruno is watching then says i need to have a privat word with luietant kotler. also bruno mensions that kurt is always at his house till after he goes to sleep and before he wakes up and pretends he owns the place he also mentions that mother laughs at his jokes more than fathers so the answer is possiblybecause of the switzerland incindent or the affair or a combination of fboth or the father was trying to find a reason to kick him out for sleeping with his wife and found the switzerland reason convenient if u need any extra help give us a yell

Were the mother and Lieutenant kotler having an affair in the boy in the striped pajamas are in 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas'?

Yes, because it said that he was there before Bruno went to bed and left after Bruno woke up. Also, when Bruno was talking to Kolter his mother came in and said " Kurt precious, I have some free time later..." and then when she sees Bruno she says "Oh. Bruno, I didnt see you there? Also it mentions that mother laughs more at Lieutenant Kotler then she ever does at his father. So there must be something going on between them.

How does Bruno feel about his mother's relationship with Kotler?


What happened to lieutenant kotler in the boy in striped pajamas?

"You filthy little..." is all he says, but later in the book you learn that he probably said "Jew" but Bruno didn't know what it meant at that time.

In The boy in the striped pajamas why isn't Bruno afraid of Lieuntenant Kotler at first?

During a dinner meal with Bruno's family, when Pavel is called to pour wine for Lieutenant Kotler, he fumbles and spills wine on the Lieutenant. What happens next is left to the imagination only being described as "What happened then was both unexpected and extremely unpleasant. Lieutenant Kotler grew very angry with Pavel and no one - not Bruno, not Gretel, not Mother and not even Father stopped in to stop him doing what he did next, even though none of them could watch. Even though it made Bruno cry and Gretel grow pale.", page 148 - 149, Boy in the striped Pyjamas, John Boyne.

What is brunos relationship like with his mother in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Bruno has a better relationship with his mother then his father, Bruno is clearly fairly close as he asks most of his questions to his mother. His father is working at the camp so his mother is one only people he can talk to.

The boy in striped pajamas character analysis?

Bruno - A young, innocent son of a Nazi commandant.Gretel - Bruno's sister, who is stuck in the latest news and easily embraces Nazi Youth.Elsa "Mother" - Bruno's Mother, who obviously opposes Nazism, but does not speak out.Ralf "Father" - Bruno's Father, who is the commandant of the nearby "Out-With".Shmuel - The Jewish boy who lives in Auschwitz

What food is talked about during the boy in the striped pajamas?

From what I remember, only 4 foods were spoken of throughout the book: -Chocolate -Various vegetables (that Pavel, the Jewish slave, would peel for dinner each day) -Chicken (that Bruno shared with Shmuel when he was punished by Lieutenant Kotler) -Sandwiches (Bruno's mother made them a couple times). Wine and milk were also mentioned within the book.

What did maria enjoy about the old house in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

If you are talking about The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, then Maria loved the garden at the back of the old house.