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Q: What simple machine would you use to lift a piano to the top of a building?
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A pulley

What simple machine did egyptains most likely use?

A simple machine that was used my Egyptians would be a lever or any type of lever that would help them to lift heavy materials while building the pyramids.

Is a hovercraft a simple machine?

No, it is not a simple machine itself, but a complex machine made up of multiple simple machines. The fan would be a screw, and the rudder would be a lever.

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Is it possible to use a simple machine and do less work than you would have done without the machine?

That isn't possible, not with a simple machine and not with a complicated machine, since otherwise, conservation of energy would be violated.

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a wedge

What machine would experience no friction?

Ok I think that the answer would either be simple machine or compound machine but I'd double check first..

Is a wheel and axle a compound machine?

No. Gears are a type of simple machine. Combined with another simple machine, it would then make a compound machine.

What type of simple machine would be used to hold two boards togather?

A screw is the simple machine which holds two boards together. In this case it is not acting as a machine though.

Name one complex machine and a simple machine?

a complex machine would be a car, but a simple machine would be a wheel and axle. an example of a wheel and axle would be a steering wheel

What type of simple machine is a roof of a house?

That would be a lever.