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He got drunk

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Q: What sin did noah do after the flood?
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How can Noah live for 900 years?

Noah lived for 900 years as mainly big sin came into the world after the big flood. From then on mans life was reduced to 77 years.

What were the moral causes of the Noah's flood in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament, the moral causes of the flood were linked to the corruption and sinfulness of humanity. The flood was seen as a way for God to cleanse the earth of wickedness and restore purity. Noah and his family were spared because of their righteousness and faithfulness to God.

From what disaster did the ark save Noah?

ark saved Noah from the disaster of the flood.

How old was noah when flood came?

Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came.

What was Noah's job?

After the flood Noah grew a vineyard.

Moral lesson in the story of the great flood?

One moral lesson in the story of the great flood is the importance of obedience and faith. Noah's faith and obedience to God's instructions allowed him and his family to be saved from the flood. It also teaches that there are consequences for disobedience and sin.

Why did god command Noah to build and why?

God Commanded Noah to build an Ark to because of the flood and he wanted to stop it.God created the flood because he was displeased in his people worshiping the devilit was to save 2 of every KIND of animal from the floodAn arc because he predicted a giant flood will come.

What age was Noah when the flood began?

According to the bible in Genesis , at the time of the flood Noah was 600 years old.

What were the instructions given Noah as God prepared to flood the earth due to sin?

gather two of every kind of animal, build an ark to put them, and your family in

Who saved the people from the flood?

If you're asking about the great Flood in Noah's time, it was God who preserved the lives of Noah and his family.

Did the story of Noah's flood come from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Certainly the story of Noah's Flood is remarkably similar to the Flood story of Umapishtim in the much older Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. On that evidence, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the most likely source for the story of Noah's Flood.

What was Noah's adulthood?

After the flood Noah was a farmer and he grew grapes in a vineyard.