

What sins can be forgiven in several ways?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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All sins can be forgiven in may ways because God can do all things

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Q: What sins can be forgiven in several ways?
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What sins can be forgiven in several ways including the worthy reception of the holy eucharist?

No sins can be forgiven in several ways. The Bible tells us that there is only one way that sins are forgiven and that is on the basis of the death of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for sin. John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. 1John 4:10 This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven.

Are the forgiven sins still accountable?

Sins that are confessed to a priest and proper penance was observed, such sins are forgiven and not accountable and need not be confessed again.

Can catholic sins be forgiven just asking god?

Venial sins can be, but mortal sins can only be forgiven through the sacrament of penance. Although it is recommended to confess venial sins in the sacrament of penance as well.

Can mortal sins be forgiven?

Mortal sins can only be forgiven in the sacrament of penance or with an act of perfect contrition with the resolve to go to confession as soon as possible. Venial sins can be forgiven with an act of imperfect or perfect contrition, reception of the Holy Eucharist, use of a sacramental, after death.

Why do people receive reconciliation?

so that their sins are forgiven

What sin can never be forgiven in heaven and on earth?

All sins are forgiven in heaven if they weren't no one would ever go to heaven. I believe sins are forgiven on earth too but some that may not seem forgiven because people go to jail for them would be murder rape (adultery).

Will moral sins be forgiven?

Of course, the only sins which cannot be forgiven are the unforgivable sin which is the sin against Hope (the second of the Cardinal Virtues). The sins against hope which cannot be forgiven are presumption and despair.The former is akin to the Protestant theory that once you are "saved" you cannot do anything to lose your salvation. That is presumption and is unforgivable as you don't think you need forgiveness.The latter, despair, is unforgivable as you don't think you can be forgiven for whatever reason: you think you have committed too many sins, or too horrible a sin, or whatever.The sins against hope cannot be forgiven for the simple reason that you cannot be contrite and ASK for forgiveness. God will forgive ANYTHING as long as we repent of it - which is not just being sorry for it, but trying not to do it again.Sins which we have not yet done cannot be forgiven until AFTER we do them, and repent of them. But all mortal sins can be forgiven as long as we confess them and repent. It is only when we are not contrite and repentant that we cannot be forgiven.

What did Jesus say saved Mary Magdalena?

"Your sins are Forgiven."

Did Jesus have to die on the cross?

Yes, or our sins would never be forgiven.

If Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross for your sins where would you be?

I would still be here on this earth, but I would not have the knowledge that my sins were forgiven.

Can you even help us?

Join Illuminati and you shall be forgiven for your sins. We will help you.

What is Catholic indulgence?

An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven.