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Q: What situation causes medication to be absorbed at a slower rate?
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Can you absorb medicine in the anus?

Yes you can, I have done it. Put KY on your middle finger and the pill on top of the finger and push as far as it can go, I have 5 pills, the small ones are little harder to insert. But ok, the pills worked slower....

Driving slower than other cars causes what?

- Traffic to build. - potential accident situation/hazardous condition from people swerving to get around you. - Road rage /People to honk their horn at you/ I've even seen people ran off the road.

Is carbonated drinks absorbed slower by the body because of the carbonation?

Carbonated drinks are absorbed faster into the body's systems. This fact is especially important to remember if you are drinking carbonated alcoholic drinks because you may become drunk faster.

Is a carbonated alcoholic drink eliminated slower or fasterfrom the body?

Carbonated drinks are absorbed a bit faster if the stomach is empty. There is no difference in the rate of metabolism.

When drink alcohol the blood vessels become wider what effect does this have on the body?

Causes the oxygen to process slower causing difficulties.

What causes a flower to fall slower to the ground than a golf ball?

Air resistance. (friction).

Will a lacrosse ball bounce differently if it is frozen?

the ball will bounce less, because the molecules are moving slower which causes the ball to move slower and bounce slower

A carbonated drink is absorbed slower by the body because of the carbonation?

Carbonated drinks are absorbed faster into the body's systems. This fact is especially important to remember if you are drinking carbonated alcoholic drinks because you may become drunk faster.

What causes mercury to have a longer day than earth?

because it has a slower rotation rate than earth

What causes Pepsi to melt ice slower?

All sodas do if you don't put enough ice. They are carbonated.

Why light travels slower in water than in air?

Light travels slower in water than in air because when light enters the water medium, according to the collision theory, the particles of the water gets some of the light energy and displaces light from its real path. As the energy is absorbed, it is a fact that on decreasing the energy of anything, it will get much slower in performing that work. So light travels slower in water than in air.