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They don't grow extremely big, but they aren't very small, either. Typically, bettas are two to three inches.

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Generally Betta's grow to be no bigger than 4/5 inches. It makes sense to keep them in a large enough tank/bowl from very young and let them grow into the space.

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no smaller than one gallon (that is, if you actually want a pet. If you just want a pretty looking thing to torture then it doesn't really matter, does it?)

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Q: What size does a Siamese fighting fish need to go in?
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What size tank does a Siamese fighting fish have to be in?

i have a half gallon bowl for my betta fish and he has plenty of room

Which will win a convict or a fighting fish?

Win what? be more specific. If you mean in a territorial dispute, an adult fighting fish will get eaten (literally) by and adult convict cichlid. but if the cichlid and the fighting fish are of the same size then the fighting fish would be at an advantage.

Why your Siamese fighting fish turned white and died?

The commonest reason for fish to die as you described is bad water conditions. There is a basic rule that most pet shops choose to ignore. That rule is "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water". That means that the minimum size tank a Betta should be kept in is a 3 gallon tank. Then they would need a weekly water change of at least 50%.

What does a fight look like?

If you mean like a Siamese fighting fish or beta fish they are like.. size of a ordinary goldfish I think and can be many colors but the fins are long and wavy it's a very elegant fish but still has the intend to kill another fish. But these are only the males. The females brownish maybe goldish. Not as flowy on the fins and looks for like a goldfish. ;)

What size bowl do you keep a fighting in?

5 gallons for each fish. ex: i have two so i would need 10 gallons

Can Siamese fighting fish be in a tank with tetras?

I really do not recommend it, although they may be able to live with them. The reason why putting guppies and a betta (Siamese fighting fish) together is not a good idea is because guppies have colourful long fins, just like those of a male betta. Therefore, the betta may flare and fight/bother the guppies. And for the betta, it will be very stressful as he will feel the need to constantly defend his territory from the guppies. However, I'm not saying it's not possible (just not a good idea) - if you have a big enough tank with lots of places to hide in, then you can try.bettas are top dwellers and preffer to live with middle or bottom dwellers, things like plattys or shrimp. guppies are not only coloured like bettas but also top dwellers so may cause comfrontation.yes and no. it depends on the size of the tank and the temperment of the betta. i have a betta in a 65 gallon tank with 6 guppies (3 females and 3 males), the males are pretty colourful, but he never bothers them and he never flares at them. he knowns they are in the tank as he has swam next to them.of course it probably wouldn't work if you had a betta in a 5 gallon tank and you put in 20 guppiesif you put them into a tank with guppies which are not multi coloured they are fine, the female seems to be more aggresive towards them than the male

How often does a Siamese fighting fish mate?

Fish rearing has long been one of people's favorite hobbies, a perennial form of home entertainment. Siamese Fighting Fish, or Betta splendens, of the Labyrinth fish family, are a favorite in aquariums around the world, with their profuse colors and distinctive features. The Siamese Fighting Fish originated in Thailand and spread to other countries in the region, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. In Thailand, the fish has been raised in households since the Sukhothai Period, more than 700 years ago. Records from the reign of King Lithai of Sukhothai allude to fighting fish being reared for sport. At present, fighting fish are raised as a hobby. They are placed in bottles, each in its own. Pieces of cardboard are placed between the bottles to keep the fish from seeing one another and going into "combat mode." The name "fighting fish" comes from the fish's social behavior. Males will fight each other to the death. And when a male wants to mate, it chases the female around until it submits to mating. The male builds a bubble nest, taking up air in its mouth, coating it with saliva and spitting out bubbles, which stick together on the surface of the water. Careful pairing has to be done beforehand, so that spawning is accelerated, and to create familiarity, as a male can bite a female to death. The male has long colorful fins, while the females have shorter fins and are not as colorful. They vary in size and shape. The short-fin fish are categorized by color and color combinations, such as the solid color, the bi-color, and the multi-color combinations, such as the solid color, the bi-color, and the multi-color. The long-fin fish are categorized by the shape of the tail, such as delta, paddle, and half-full tail. Siamese Fighting Fish thrive in shallow water, canals, and flooded rice fields with a temperature of up to 86 degree Fahrenheit, or 30 degree Celsius. They eat fresh food such as daphnia, brine shrimp, microworms, bloodworms, and mosquito larva. They can also eat frozen dry food. Thai breeders of fighting fish are constantly developing new species, from the tiny wild betta to the cultured ones with long, flowing fins and brilliant colors, fetching better and better prices, from 10 baht to as high as 10,000 baht a piece. Siamese Fighting Fish are immensely popular even in Singapore, adding to the pride of the Thai Breeders.

What does a fish need to survive at your house?

Water (obviously), fish food, a large bowl size (ask pet store what size of tank you need for a particular fish), proper lighting, etc.

What other fish can you keep in the same tank as a Siamese fighting fish?

i would recommend fish that look different from your male betta. male bettas fight other male bettas, and if aggravated they will try to tear apart most fish with flowing fins. they dont even seem to care about size. i recommend catfish and mollies. stay away from fin nippers. and any fish with long fins, even long tailed guppies. you could keep your betta with angelfish too, but angelfish need a really big tank, like 30-40 gallons (for one or two angels).

Can a lynx defeat a Siamese cat?

The lynx is more that twice the size of a domestic cat so would have no problem defeating a Siamese.

Can you fit 4 fish in one gallon fish bowl measuring 12 by 12 inches?

It may be possible to keep 4 small fish in a one gallon fish bowl, depending on the type, size and needs of the fish you choose. It will also depend on whether or not the fish bowl has a filter, and if your fish can live without a heater. For example, because they do not get large, 4 white cloud minnows can be kept in a one gallon bowl with a filter and they do not require a heater. You can also keep a male beta or Siamese fighting fish with a few white cloud minnows; or 2 small goldfish which can grow too large or the bowl.

What happens if your fish tank is overpopulated?

It depends on the amount of fish, the size of the aquarium, and the number you increase them by. Goldfish, guppies, silver sharks, and many other fish are quite happy to share a fishtank or fishbowl with others of their species and even other types of fish. Some fish, however, like oscars or the extreme case of siamese fighting fish, need their personal space or else they may fight or kill each other. Many fish grow to different sizes depending on the amount of room they have- Goldfish, for example, can happily live at only two or three inches long, but in a suitable fishpond, they can actually grow quite large. Research the kind of fish you have and find out how big your aquarium is before you add any large number of fish to an aquarium.