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The actual largest size is about 70 mm, not micrometer.

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11y ago

Your average size frog of 4 inches (10.16 cm.) has a pea sized lung.

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Q: What size is a lungless frog?
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Where does a lungless frog live?


What do lungless frogs eat?

Because the lungless frog of Indonesia, or Bornean Flat-headed frog (Barbourula kalimantanensis) has only been discovered very recently, almost nothing is known about its diet.

Can an a frog fit in a envelope?

It depends on the size of the frog.

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It depends on the size of the shrimp. If the shrimp is smaller or the same size as the frog, the frog will probably try to eat it. If the shrimp is large you should be OK, as long as your frog is well fed.

What does the worlds biggest frog look like?

imagine a frog then imagine a frog ten time the size of it Hope this helps ;) !!

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A blue dart frog is about the size of a!

Does a frog eat a hummingbird acasionally?

Depending on the size and species of the frog; larger ones will.

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How big is a frogs heart?

it depends on the frog. i think that each frog has a different size

What is the size of a frog at each life cycle?

Size will vary between species.