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Q: What size tablecloth for a 70 round table?
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When cutting a 70 inch round table cloth down to a 60 inch tablecloth how many inches do you cut off?

Since round table cloths are measured on the diameter, not the circumference, you would fold it in half twice, measure 30 inches from the center of the cloth, add 1 1/2 inches for the hem, and that is where you start your cut. You don't measure up from the bottom because you can't be sure if they added the hem before or after their measurement.

How many yards for a 70 inch round table cloth?

23 yards 1 foot

What is the size of a pin-pong table?

The standard size of a ping pong table is 5 feet wide by 9 feet long.

How many yards of fabric are needed to make a 70 inch round table cloth?

You need at least 4 yards of fabric to make a 70 inch round table cloth. Most people would use close to 6 yards to make the designs that they'd like to.

What size tablecloth do you need for a 72 round table?

A standard table height is 30", so times 2 (each side) would be 60". Add that to your 48", and you get 108" for your table cloth if you want it to go to the floor. If not to the floor, subtract how much shorter you want it, and so on...the packages will have standard lengths listed.

What size table cloth is 82 inches for?

If the table cloth is 82 inches, it would fit a table from 60 to 70 inches long.

Round 69 to the nearest ten?

Round 69 to the nearest ten is 70.

What is the 71 round to the nearest ten?

The answer is 70

How do you round 69.72?

You would round it UP - to 70

What is 69 rounded to nearest 10?

70 When the number you are trying to round, ends in 5 or more, round up. If it ends is a number below 5, round down.

How do you cut a 90 inch round table cloth down to a 70 in round table cloth?

Since round table cloths are measured on the diameter, not the circumference, you would fold it in half twice, measure 35 inches (half of 70) from the center of the cloth, add 1 1/2 inches for the hem, and that is where you start your cut. You don't measure up from the bottom because you can't be sure if they added the hem before or after their measurement.

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