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it needs medice and other stuff

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Q: What skills do doctors that help kids need?
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first we must have a communication skills and good understanding of the students. second we must have a teaching skills. third one is we must have skills.

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What do doctors need to help people?

as much of their money as they can osibly get from them,

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They all need help put them somewhere for help. People need help somewhere some people don't care about thier kids.

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To be a good math teacher you will need to be extremely caring of others. You will need to have a love for math and numbers. And of course, a love to help kids learn.

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because if we have sick the doctors will help us

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a bachelors degree and working with kids skills

How does your school administer literacy test?

In my school, we just have the exams. If you are not literate, you obviously would not be able to pass on the written part of every exam. Literacy tests are a good idea though, to see where kids are so that teachers can help better their skills, as kids will need literacy skills no matter what profession they decide to go into.

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because they need so help

Is a strong stomach needed to be a pediatrician?

i am a nurse and worked in a doctors office with lots of kids and ohh yes you do need a strong stomach but the joy of all the kids is great