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Q: What societal institutions are to blame for Rwandan genocide?
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Who did they blame for the rwandan genocide?

The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was largely composed of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda following earlier waves of Hutu violence against the Tutsi. Most of the dead were Tutsis and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus. The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.

Whom does prose blame for this state of affairs?

Prose does not specifically blame any individual in particular, but rather the societal structures or circumstances that have led to the current state of affairs. It may criticize systems, institutions, or cultural norms that contribute to the issues being discussed.

What fueled the Rwandan genocide?

It is difficult to say what exactly led to the genocide in Rwanda, as there isn't agreement as to what was the impetus for this genocide. One explanation given, which was popularised by Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" is that Rwanda's people were victims of a Malthusian crisis, meaning that the genocide happened because Rwanda was overpopulated which means that because of population pressure there is environmental degradation. This argument goes that in a country with a rising population, where there is limited resources, pressure is being placed on the land, resulting in less fertile land, which means people have to start using marginal land for agriculture. This drains the soil from nutrients. The result of this is that valuable ecosystems are destroyed, soils become depleted and natural resources become overused. As a result of this people and the environment suffer which can then lead to societal collapse and an event like the Rwandan genocide. However, not everybody agrees with Diamond's argument for what caused the Rwandan genocide. Some blame government policies which led to discontent among Rwandans. Others blame tribal conflict between the Hutus and Tutsis.

Who did the rwandan genocide happen to?

the belgiums had rawanda as a colony. the belgium govt. gave the lighter blacks more power over the darker blacks. dominated by the lighter blacks they were treated poorly. when the belgians left,the oppressed population started nto get revenge thru murder and torture. it was a very bloody affair. the were indirectly to blame for the massacher.

Was anything done to punish the ones to blame for the Armenian genocide?

Two Turkish leaders were assainated after the Genocide but Turkey hasn't done anything not even accepted the fact that it was Genocide. Nothing has been done to punsih Turkey.

Where do you think genocide finds its inspiration?

When many people have a problem and want to blame it on another group of people.

Are the lyrics to blame it blame it on the juice or blame it on the goose?

blame it on the goose

Comment on burris ewells behavior in the classroom who is to blame for that?

Burris Ewell's behavior in the classroom is disruptive and disrespectful, likely stemming from the poor upbringing and environment he experiences at home. While he is responsible for his actions, the blame also lies with his family and societal circumstances that have not provided him with the necessary support and guidance to behave appropriately.

Who is to blame for indecent dressing in society today?

The blame falls to the same as every other problem in society: parents, individuals, and the members of society as a whole. They way people dress is a personal decision. How that person is greeted by society is a societal decision. What that person does until he or she reaches the age of adulthood is the fault of the parent, and even afterward some of the responsibility is still that of the parent.

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No one to blame.

What is the song that goes don't blame it on sunshine don't blame it on good times?

If you are referring to: "Don't blame it on sunshine, Don't blame it on moonlight, Don't blame it on good times". Then the song you are after is: Blame it on the Boogie, by The Jackson Five.

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Both of you If it's consentual, then you're both to blame, or neither is to blame, depending on the circumstances. In other words, the blame or non-blame is equal for both of you.