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Q: What soil do you use to re pot orchids?
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Are bonsai's supposed to be pot bound?

No, a pot bound tree will die. Bonsai are removed from the pot every 1-3 years, the roots are combed out and trimmed, then it's re-potted in new soil.

How do you re-pot a Stag Horn fern?

The same process as re-potting any other fern. Take the plant out of its pot and tease off some of the old compost. Re-pot into the same pot with some fresh compost or into a slightly larger pot.

You just transplanted an African violet could that be the source of your gnat problem?

Usually gnats appear because they start laying eggs in the soil of a plant. Sometimes they just appear out of no where at certain times of the year. When re-potting plants make sure you use clean soil, clean pot etc. and take off as much old soil as you can. They are a nuisance but won't harm your plants. There are pesticides for this or drench soil with Neem oil.

Can you move a plant to another plant pot?

Yes it is called re-potting. Usually done when the plant has outgrown its present pot.

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Moving a plant to a bigger pot is called?

Re-potting or up-potting.

Can you re-pot or plant an Easter lily?

Yes you can re plant an Easter lily and place it in some out door location as it needs sunlight.

How have ferns and orchids make Jamaica famous?

because off they 're beauty that they bring to the island and is very rare in other countries while Jamaica has an abundance

Why do you need to add salt before you put the spaghetti in the pot?

you don't need to are you re-tarted.

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No re-tread tyres can also bubble

Root bound ferns how to re-pot?

Take it out of pot and slice 1 to 2 inches off from all sides of root ball including some off the bottom, they like peat moss so plant it back into a clean pot and keep it moist all the time. Use a good fertilizer, Jack's something else that's good.

What was the major result of the Civil War?

The re-uniting of the states as free soil.