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Q: What soil horizon contains the most biological activity?
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Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic matter the A horizon or O horizon?

The O horizon contains the most organic matter in a soil profile. It is the top layer of organic material such as decaying leaves, branches, and other plant debris that is actively decomposing. The A horizon, also known as the topsoil, is a layer rich in minerals and organic matter that is developed from the decomposition of plant material in the O horizon.

What horizon contains the most living things in soil?


Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic matter?

The O horizon contains the most organic matter. The O horizon overlies the A horizon which is known as the mineral horizon. O - organic A - mineral E - elluviation B - illuviation C - parent material R - bedrock This is the order in which you will see standard soil horizons.

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Which layer in soil contains the most organic matter?

the layer the contain the richest material is the top soil :)

Which horizon contains the most humus?

soils have different layers present in it as the depth increases. These layers are called horizons. Humus as we all know is present in the top layer of the soil,which is several inches in thickness and is called A horizon.

How do the rocks in c horizon differ from those in the b horizon?

A horizon is often darker than B horizon or C horizon because it is the topsoil and the topsoil might be covered with litter. The litter decompose and as you know become soil and it will be fresh soil. So the fresh soil is darker than B and C horizon

Most plant roots grow in which horizon?

most plants grow in the a-horizon

What is biological stress?

Biological Stress Any activity that puts pressures on living things and threatens to reduce their numbers or range. Although most biological stresses are human-caused, natural activities such as earthquakes or drought are also biological stressors.

What organelle directs the activity of the cell and contains most of the genetic information of the cell?

The Nucleus.

Weathering occurs most rapidly in what horizon?

mostly o horizon, but some also occur in the a horizon

Which soil horizon is the most important agriculturally?

The A horizon as it consists of mainly organic matter.