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Q: What solvents remove permanent marker ink?
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What solvents will remove the ink from a permanent marker?

i believe hand sanitzer does.... it depends on the surface. :)

Will wateralcoholvinegar or detergent solution will remove permanent marker ink?

yes it can

What can be use to remove permanent marker ink?

sharpy removing spray

How do you remove permanent marker from a mailbox?

Alcohol works fine anytime I want to remove permanent marker-- poke your finger into a rag and wet with alcohol and begin rubbing the marker ink.

Does Goo Gone remove permanent marker?

Possibly, depends what base the marker ink is. If not, try Goof Off, it's a bit different.

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Can you get ink poisoning from permanent marker?

yes, yes you can !

Why does hairspray remove permanent marker?

Because the solvent in the hairspray ( the ingredients it is made up of) will dissolve the ink

How do you get permanent marker off a shrit?

Generally, you cannot get permanent marker off of a shirt; that's why it is called "permanent". However, you can try saturating it with denatured alcohol and blotting it dry; this will remove SOME of the ink. Vinegar is also sometimes a "miracle" cleaning solution.

Why does acetone remove permanent marker?

Acetone is a strong solvent that can dissolve the ink in permanent markers. The ink in permanent markers is designed to be resistant to water and fading, but it is not resistant to the powerful solvent properties of acetone. When acetone is applied to a surface with permanent marker, it breaks down the ink and allows it to be wiped away.

What solvents remove permanent ink?

Pure liquid acetone might do the trick if you rub really hard. It kinda worked for me. I had to rub twice to erase it all the way.