

Best Answer

'Fame off Fame', 'Time Warp', 'You can't stop the beat' are just some

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Q: What songs are on dance on Broadway for wii?
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What are all the songs on dance on Broadway wii?

there are alot of songs

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What songs does the wii game just dance have?

just dance, and poker face

Is it possibl to put songs from your computer onto just dance for wii?


What are some good Broadway songs to dance to?

the little mermaid Cinderella and beauty and the beast

How do you get more songs for just dance 2?

you can get it by buying Wii points and using them on the store on the Wii with the internet connected

Do you have to win songs on just dance 2?

Nope u Dont but some songs you can download but you have to have Wii internet

How do you download songs on just dance 2?

First, you have to have wifi for your wii. Then you go into the just dance game, and go to the song selection page. Hit the + (plus) sign on your wii remote, and go to the store. Wait for it to download, and then look through the songs. The only song that is free is Firework by Katy Perry. The rest of the songs will cost 300 wii points.

Is there going to be a just dance 2 for the Wii?

Yes and there all ready is and their are some rad songs

Are any Taylor Swift songs on just dance wii game?

I don't think so.

When did Dance on Broadway happen?

Dance on Broadway happened in 2010.

How do you get new songs in just dance 2?

No you cannot. The songs that are already on there, are the games that will be on there. It is just a game for exercising and Having fun! You actually can download additional songs. On Just Dance 2 there is a Shop. You need to have Wii Points to "spend" on the songs. If you don't have any you can go to the main Wii menu and go to the Wii Store. From there I believe you can purchase Wii Points. There are a handful of new songs right now and I've heard there will be more. Each song right now is 300 Wii points but there is a free Katy Perry song. Hope this helps!