

What sort of meat does a sloth eat?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Sloths don't generally eat much if any meat as they prefer to eat leaves. A few two-toed sloths have been documented eating insects, lizards and small birds though. They probably do this to supplement their diet because leaves are not very nutritious.

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Q: What sort of meat does a sloth eat?
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Do sloths eat plants or meat?

sloths are vegi eaters or vegiterians.sloths also eat bugs some times but mostly leaves and some times grass.only in starving would a sloth attempt eating meat but probably not. hope that answered your question

Do slothes live in the understory?

No, in fact that two toed sloth or any other sloth lives in the canopy. If the slothes lived in the emergent layer, their enimies would find them an kill them. The understory is where all the jaguars live and that is also a meat eater and a enemy to the sloth. The forest floor is not a good idea because slothes eat fruit and leaves. They do not eat plants out of the ground.