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The existence, isotropy, and spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation (cmbr) is extremely easy to explain if Big Bang Cosmology is true; it is impossible to reasonably explain even its existence with any alternate cosmological hypothesis.

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Q: What sort of radiation suggested evidence for the Big Bang?
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What does the original flash of the big bang appear as?

The big bang could not have looked like anything, because it would have been impossible to view it from the outside. Just read all of this stuff: ****** It seems confusing that the Big Bang could have happened even though there was no matter or energy in the universe. But really, scientists speculate that there could have been a time before matter, energy, and time itself even existed. The "Big Bang" is a term that describes the event that created the universe. It goes like this: There was no time, no energy, and no matter. basicly, NOTHING existed. Then, a tiny volume of space, smaller then the head of a pin, suddenly expanded and grew to an enormous size. As the volume of space expanded, it created all the energy and matter in the universe. It created nebulas and galaxies of stars and planets. (and many other things, of coarse.) This is when time began to flow. There is plenty of evidence to support that this theory is true. The big bang would have been such a huge event that the waves of energy it created are still traveling in space today! People have actually detected these waves with a device called a spectroscope. Not only this, but scientist think that the universe is still expanding. basicly, the Big Bang is still happening today. We know this because astronomers have noticed that the galaxies of our universe are all moving away from eachother. They are all moving away from the centre of the universe, where the big bang started. The universe is still getting bigger to this day.

An approximate age for the universe can be deduced from?

Based on the mathematical calculations of Robert H. Dicke, Jim Peebles, and David Wilkinson (astrophysicists at Princeton University), if there had been a "big bang" explosion that created the universe, we ought to be able to detect reflected energy - sort of like "echoes" of the big bang - isotropically, or "from everywhere equally", around the cosmos. We also ought to be able to calculate the time since then by measuring the frequency of that reflected energy. In 1964, two scientists named Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were trying to determine the cause of some background "static" noise in AT&T's microwave communications antennas. The background noise seemed to be isotropic, coming from every direction in space equally. When they all got together, they realized that Penzias and Wilson had discovered the exact sort of background radiation that Dicke, Peebles and Wilkinson had predicted - and that, further, the background radiation was the right frequency to date the "big bang" at about 14.5 billion years ago. Penzias and Wilson shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978.

Which two metals explode in water and why?

well sodium and patasium explode in water because they are sort of oposites and when oposites meet things usualy end in a bang.

What sort of path will the alpha and beta radiation follow?

alpha rays follow north pole of magnet and beta rays south pole.

Was there acutally a bang to be heard in the big bang?

No because then it wouldn't have been a bang. The above information is actually incorrect, however is slightly correct in the respect that tecqnically a bang is a loud noise, the big bang should actually be called the big explosian, back to the main topic, the big "bang"would have been silent as space is a large vaccum and does not carry the waves needed to carry sound as an example we learnt in school last year that in space if two astronaughts microphones broke they would have to phsically touch helmets to communicate as the vaccum of space would not carry the waves between particle (like on earth)

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How it detects radiation?

The answer depends on what "IT" is and what sort of radiation it is meant to detect!

How can the radiation be detected in CDMA mobiles?

get some sort of radiation detecter

What is a piece of empirical evidence for the big bang?

There isn't any real empirical evidence for the Big Bang. However, there are lots of stray facts and some interpretations of possibilities that seem to indicate that something like a "big bang" may have occurred. But the big bang isn't a "fact"; it happened, or PROBABLY happened, about 14 billion years ago, and nobody was around to take video of it. There are a great number of knowns that sort-of correlate with the big bang hypothesis, and a fair number of knowns that run counter to it. Anybody who thinks that the Big Bang is some sort of Absolute Truth is likely to be severely disappointed when new facts come to light that cause the concept to be revised a little - or a lot! Al Gore was an idiot; the "science" is NEVER "settled", and anybody who claims that "the science is settled" knows nothing about science. The future will be filled with wonders that we can hardly guess at now.

What does background radiation tell us?

Well the cbr is the remainder of what happened just after the big bang. The fact that we can detect cbr is fascinating to many scientists worldwide because it is our proof today that there was some sort of incredible explosion long ago. This cbr is seen only at a distance because when we look at the night sky we ate seeing light that is reaching our eyes from a distance and cbr is way out there and by being Si far out it is Si far it came from or own big bang. So what we see as cosmic background radiation, is really the explosion from the big bang.

What sort of radiation absorbs or reflect radiation?

It doesn't absorb clever. It penetrates, and it can penetrate paper, smoke, a layer of skin and thin aluminium.

How we came to have knowledge of the Big Bang?

Evidence, scientific models, simulations, observations, etc. In a way we didn't discover the Big Bang, we made it. Using known science and the many laws that govern various fields, as well as observations like that the universe is expanding, the visual evidence of the cosmic background radiation, simply the ability to look into space and see back in time, among other things, we can put it all together into theories. The best theory of which is the Big Bang theory. In the 50s, there were two theories answering the question. The nascent Big Bang theory and the popular steady-state theory. Then in 1965 the cosmic background radiation was discovered, which the Big Bang theory predicted, and the steady-state theory was essentially dead because it had no solution to the existence of the CMB. Under the known laws of physics, simply the best answer to how this universe began is the Big Bang. In this day there are scientific fields devoted just to various aspects of the Big Bang itself; for example, Big Bang neucleosynthesis (The creation of atoms heavier than hydrogen-1). That's not to say the Big Bang theory is correct, it is a theory with its own problems after all, it's just the most likely one at this time.

Which radiation device is the best to use for measuring the presence of radiation in large moving objects where constant monitoring is impossible?

A bronsted-lowry acid is a useful device for measuring this sort of radiation.

Which object emits the most radiation of these 4. Water dirt fir or ice?

It isn't clear what sort of radiation you are talking about. If you mean infrared radiation, if the temperature is the same, darker objects do tend to emit more radiation.

Which radiation detection device is the best to use for measuring the presence of radiation in large moving objects where constant monitoring is impossible?

A bronsted-lowry acid is a useful device for measuring this sort of radiation.

How do you write the sound of a child slamming a backdoor?

Like the old Batman shows. WHAM! BANG! That sort of thing.

How does cosmic background energy support the big bang?

Some of the mathematical models of what a "big bang" might cause, in long-term aftereffects, would be a background microwave radiation that might be an "echo of creation". The temperature or frequency of the background radiation would, in this model, indicate the age of the universe. At about the same time that this model was being developed, two researchers from Bell Labs were trying to figure out the source of a background microwave radiation that was causing noise and static in the Bell System's long-distance microwave transmission systems. it was sort of like the old TV commercials where the chocolate truck runs into the peanut butter van, and they discover Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. When they got together, there was a Nobel Prize in it.

What are the different options or sizes for Processor?

A word processor is a computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting and possibly printing) of any sort of printable aka the o block bang bang one