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McDonaldization is a term that describes the the control of a process. In the case of McDonalds, it means the process of making a hamburger, is more controlled and everything comes out the same.

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Is a minor in Robotics and mechatronics good if you are majoring in Computer Engineering?

Definitely. That robotics course is going to help you get more involved and learn more lower-level sort of stuff for that Computer Engineering Course.

How many algorithms are there for sorting purpose and what are they?

There are many sorting algorithms however there are only a small handful that we actually use: insertion sort (stable) is typically used for small sets while large data sets primarily use heapsort (unstable), merge sort (stable) or quicksort (unstable). Efficient implementations typically use a hybrid sort such as Timsort (stable) or introsort (unstable). The following lists all the documented algorithms currently listed in Wikipedia's "Sorting algorithm" page: Quicksort, merge sort, in-place merge sort, heapsort, insertion sort, introsort, selection sort, Timsort, cubesort, shell sort, bubble sort, binary tree sort, cycle sort, library sort, patience sorting, smoothsort, strand sort, tournament sort, cocktail sort, comb sort, gnome sort, unshuffle sort, Franceschini's sort, block sort, odd-even sort, pigeonhole sort, bucket sort (uniform keys), bucket sort (integer keys), counting sort, LSD radix sort, MSD radix sort, MSD radix sort in-place, spreadsort, burstsort, flashsort, postman sort bead sort, simple pancake sort, spaghetti sort, sorting network, bitonic sorter, bogo sort, stooge sort, Han's algorithm, Thorup's algorithm.

Different types of sorting techniques in c language?

types of sorting in c language are: insertion sort selection sort bubble sort merge sort two way merge sort heap sort quick sort

How do you sort the given contents of an array?

You would sort the given elements of an array by a bubble sort or heap sort code!!

What is another name for bubble sort?

Bubble sort is also known as sinking sort.