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Q: What sound does Big Ben make when it strikes every quarter of an hour?
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When does the big Ben bell strike?

The main bell strikes one the hour. however, the "quarter bells" ring on the quater of an hour.

What British bell strikes on the hour?

If you're thinking about Big Ben, it strikes every 15 minutes.

Technically should it be an Hour or a Hour?

It is "An" hour, not a hour. The "an" comes before every vowel sound, not every vowel.

Why is every 15-minute period called a quarter?

because its a quarter of an hour. if your talking about sports its because it is a quarter of the game.

How do you estimate time to the nearest half hour?

From a quarter to the hour to a quarter past the hour, it is the hour, whilefrom a quarter past the hour to a quarter to the hour, it is the half hour.

What is a quarter of an hour?

a quarter of an hour is 15 minutes

How many minutes in the hour is it if it is quarter to the hour?

There are 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour

What time is quarter after two?

The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.The "quarter" in this case means a quarter hour, so that is the same as 2:15.

How many minutes in a quarter hour?

There are 15 minutes in a quarter hour.

How many minutes is it to the hour if it is quarter to the hour?

One hour = 60 minutes. Quarter hour = 15 minutes.Quarter [hour] to the hour = 15 minutes to the hour. OR start with the hour, say 1:00 PM. in fifteen minutes it will be a quarter after the hour. At thirty minutes it will be half past the hour. In forty five minutes it will be a quarter ( fifteen minutes) TO the next hour or a quarter to 2:00 PM.

How many minutes is the hour is it if it is quarter to the hour?

An hour is sixty minutes. A quarter hour is fifteen minutes.

How many minutes are there in one quarter hour?

There are 15 minutes in a quarter hour.