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Q: What sound does ch make in a Greek origin?
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What is the rule for ch making k sound as in the beginning of chamomile?

There is no rule. The pronunciation of ch depends on the origin of the word. For words with a Greek origin the ch is commonly pronounced as [k]. eg mechanics, chemistry For words with a French origin the ch is commonly pronounced as [sh] eg charade, machine Usually in English the ch is pronounced as [ch] eg chalk, church, much

What is the correct Greek pronunciation of Psyche?

Exactly how it looks - speakers of the greek language don't have a problem starting a word with the combination of P and S. Also, the ch sound in greek is the sound of the ch sound as in the Loch or Strachan, rather than the Ch sound as in Chocolate or the Ck sound as in shack. So it's pronounced "Psychee"

How do you pronounce the ch sound in Greek?

Like a very hard "K" sound.

What determines which words that begin with the letters 'ch' make a 'cha' sound while others make a 'ka' sound?

As in much of English there is no rule. There has been a story doing the rounds here in England about an English teacher trying to teach just this to a class. She stated quite categorically that ch was always either ch as in church or k as in mechanic. One little girl put up her hand and said "Sometimes it's a 'sh' sound Miss". The teacher said "No it's not Charlotte". See also ricochet, chevron and others. /ch/ will make the "k" sound when in a consonant blend (ex. school, Christmas, chlorine). Greek origin words also make the "k" sound (ex. character)

Why does the ch sound like k?

It is thought to be due to historical phonetic changes in the Latin language that carried over into English. The "ch" sound comes from a soft "k" sound in words borrowed from Greek, while the hard "k" sound remains in native Germanic words.

What Greek word means beginnings?

αρχές (arches) [ ar- ch : sounds like h as in house,there is no ''k'' sound in it - es :clear s sound ]

Why does the ch make a sh sound in these words?

The "ch" makes a "sh" sound in words like chef or machine because it follows the rule of English pronunciation where "ch" can have a "sh" sound when it comes after an "e" or an "i." This pronunciation comes from the influence of French and other languages on English.

Why did the Greeks spell Christ with an X?

The Greek just use different symbols than the English language does. Their letter, which we think looks like an X is their symbol for the sound 'ch'. The Greek language predates modern English, so English has transliterated it as 'ch'.

What are some words spelled with ch that make a k sound?

Chlorine, chlorophyl, choropleth.

What is an vocalization made by an opossum?

They can hiss. Baby opossums make a sort of 'ch' sound.

What does a possum sound like?

Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Further details: Possums are territorial, and their disputes over territory often result in a loud hissing noise which may best be described as partially a squawk. They also make loud grunting noises.

What do you call the pH sound?

A digraph. A digraph is when two consonants make one sound. "Ch," "sh," and "th" are other examples.