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Ladybugs make a sound kind of like this nEE-pAAh. It is a very quiet sound that is not heard by humans, it is heard by gorillas, unicorns, dog fishes, mice, chickens, and armadillos. Frogs especially like it. They are madly attracted to ladybugs.

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9y ago

Ladybugs tend to make a buzzing sound. This buzzing sound can be heard loudest when the ladybug flies past you.

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Why does ladybugs make sounds?

A subtle chatter is the noise that a ladybird makes, according to the kgb website. A powerful sound detection device may be able to pick up the breezy sounds of a ladybug moving and using two sets of wings to fly. It also may record the scraping scratches of ladybugs consuming and swallowing such pests as aphids, mealybugs, scale and thrips.

Do ladybugs make noise?

yes, they make a chattering noiselike when you slamp your teeth together

Where do pet ladybugs live?

Pet ladybugs live in a cage and like to eat apples. Make sure you cut the apple. Also, they don't like eating oranges, I've tried. I feed my ladybugs apple.

Are all ladybugs females?

no, actually there are just as many female ladybugs as there are male,

Do ladybugs make their own food?

No, the staple of their diet is common aphids.

How many live ladybugs does it take to make 1 pound?

About 4,535,924

Are there wheelchairs for ladybugs?

Unfortunately there are no wheelchairs yet for ladybugs. Which doesn't make sense because ladybugs can get broken bones to. Some fellow researchers and I are trying to fix the problem. But you can find them some nice walkers. Not as hip, but just as good!

What or ladybugs lifeecycel?

what are ladybugs lifecycle

Do animals alwyas make sounds?

Animals do make sounds but it's not all of the animals that make sounds.

What sound do rabbits make?

Rabbits make sniffing sounds. The sounds they make aren't loud, but they also make soft squeaking sounds. They make different sounds for different moods.

Are ladybugs good flyers?

Ladybugs get around by flying and crawling. Ladybugs have to be decent flyers in order to escape from their predators, otherwise they would die.

Can ladybugs harm you?

no but some kinds of ladybugs do