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Q: What source of power did the first English factories use?
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At first water power was the primary power source. Factories were built on the banks of rivers, and huge water wheels driven by the flow of the river would power the factory. Then the invention of the steam engine made it possible to build factories almost anywhere, and steam engines replaced water wheels as the primary power source in factories.

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Where the first us factories?

Most factories were built near water to power the machines.

Where were the first us factories?

Most factories were built near water to power the machines.

How did the development of the steam engine most affect the location of factories?

Factories could be built away from rivers using this alternative source of power.

What powered the first factories in the Northeast?

water power

Steam engines were first used to power?

Machines in factories

What mostly allowed manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers?

Steam energy allowed factories to move away from rivers.