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Q: What sources are available for immigrants when they first arrive?
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Where did Mexican immigrants first arrive?

It depends which country you are referring to.

What was the date that the first immigrants came to Australia?

The first official settlers or "immigrants" to Australia arrive in Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.

Who were the first immigrants to what is now the US?

It appears the first immigrants to the US were the Assyrian's around 620 B.C.E. They used the land for gold and other natural resources. However, becaus of great competition at that time, traders would never document their sources of supply. Therefore, we can never really know who the first to arrive in the US were!

The first wave of European immigrants to arrive to the US in the nineteenth century came from?

northwestern Europe

Who were the first immigrants to arrive in Angel Island?

Nope. Angel Island was started as an Immigration Facility in 1910 but many Asians did arrive in San Francisco in the early 1800's, just not through Angel Island. Many did go to Angel Island to be checked for illnesses and and to tell officials about their past life.

When did the Chinese immigrants arrive in New York City?

Chinese immigrants first began arriving in New York City in the mid-1700s, but they did not start immigrating in significant numbers until the mid-1800s.

Who were the first European settlers to arrive in Argentina?

The majority of these European immigrants came from Italy and Spain.

Where did Italian immigrants go when they FIRST arrive in America?

Italians go to new york when they come to America so they can start lives and find work in factories

When did Chinese cuisine arrive in America?

Chinese cuisine was first introduced to America in the beginning to mid 19th century when Chinese immigrants started to settle along the California coast.

When did German cuisine first arrive in Australia?

German cuisine first arrived in Australia with the very first German immigrants in the 1830s. The first group of Germans in Australia were Lutherans who arrived on the ship 'Bengalee' in November 1838, followed two days later by the main group on the 'Prince George'. They first settled at the town of Klemzig. Many more ships followed over the next three years. As immigrants continued to arrive in the 1850s, the German cuisine and culture in Australia became more prominent, especially as the Germans spread east from South Australia into country areas of New South Wales.

When did the first Nigerian immigrants come to Canada?

when did the first Nigerian immigrants come to Canada

Who was the first filibuster to arrive in Texas?

I believe the first filibuster to arrive in Texas was Moses Austin.