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Q: What spanish word is cognate of acrobatic?
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Related questions

What percentage are English and Spanish cognate?

About 40% of the words in English have a Spanish cognate. This means that the English word has a similar Spanish word, such as "accident" (English) and "accidente" (Spanish).

Is saxophone a true cognate in Spanish?

Yes. In Spanish, "guitar" translates to "guitarra."

What is a cognate?

A cognate is a word that sounds like the word with it's same meaning in a different language. An example of an English/Spanish cognate would be: Universe Universo English Spanish

How would you use the word cognate in a sentence?

The English word "mother" and the Spanish word "madre" are cognates because they share a common Latin root.

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Is practicar a spanish cognate?

A cognate in spanish is cognado. If you mean it the other way it is a word easy to translate into English from Spanish like balon is balloon. See?

How do you use cognate in a sentence?

The English word "brave" is a cognate of the Spanish word "valiente" because they share a similar origin.

How do you say report in Spanish?

The most cognate Spanish word is 'reportero.' There are also 'periodista,' and 'noticiero.'

What is it called when a word in spanish look the same and mean the same in English?

A cognate.

Is fiesta a cognate?

Yes, "fiesta" is a cognate. It comes from the Spanish language and is directly related to the English word "feast", both of which refer to a large and festive gathering or party.

What is the spanish word for fabulous?

FabulosoFabuloso is the Spanish word for "fabulous".It is what we call a "cognate" because it is very similar (spelling wise) for both languages.

What is the word 'dunce' when translated from English to Spanish?

imbécil (cognate of imbecile), or burro (jackass)