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Many freshwater turtles in temperate climates may experience winter periods trapped under ice unable to breathe, in anoxic mud, or in water depleted of O2. To survive, these animals must not only retain function while anoxic, but they must do so for extended periods of time. Two general physiological adaptive responses appear to underlie this capacity for long-term survival. The first is a coordinated depression of metabolic processes within the cells, both the glycolytic pathway that produces ATP and the cellular processes, such as ion pumping, that consume ATP. As a result, both the rate of substrate depletion and the rate of lactic acid production are slowed greatly. The second is an exploitation of the extensive buffering capacity of the turtle's shell and skeleton to neutralize the large amount of lactic acid that eventually accumulates. Two separate shell mechanisms are involved: release of carbonate buffers from the shell and uptake of lactic acid into the shell where it is buffered and sequestered. Together, the metabolic and buffering mechanisms permit animals to survive for 3-4 months at 3 °C with no O2 and with circulating lactate levels of 150 mmol l-1 or more.

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16y ago
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12y ago

If it lives in the Gulf of Mexico, the oil spill happened. So it couldn't survive with all the oil in the water. It had to move to the Atlantic Ocean. I'm doing this reptile for my Science Project so I know a lot about it. :)

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13y ago

A green sea turtle does migrate because when the hatchlings are born, they go back to the place where they were born to have there own hatchlings and so on.

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12y ago

it has a shell to protect it from predaters and it has fins to swim very fast in the water

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15y ago

because everything

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No they are just a kind of sea turtle.

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Yes, Green sea turtles have skin, all sea turtles have thick, leathery skin

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no. sea turtles also eat crabs. :)

Can sea turtles be green?

yes they have to be green

What ocean do green sea turtles live in?

The Green Sea Turtles are found in warm, tropical oceans throughout the world.