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They have air sacs in their throat to help keep their head up so they can sleep without drowning

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Q: What special adaptations do walruses have that let them float?
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How do you make a plastic bottle submarine float then sink and float?

put water in to let it sink... then put air into it to let it float...


One of the adaptations are that they have shallow roots that let it absorb water quickly.

How do you get a normal rock to float?

at first it will sink but if you let it sit there for o day or so it will began to float to the top ---- ----

Why do submarines float to the surface when the air is let out?

They rise to the surface when air is pumped IN. They sink when air is let out

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cause gravity pulls us down and doesn't let us float

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yes because it takes three hours to to let them float then they will sink a couple of minutes later

What is Ggravity?

What keeps your feet on the ground and doesn't let objects float around!

Does masking tape float?

i don't know, try it. let us know if it does.

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You can let the oil float to the top or you can use fairy liquid.

How do you separate water from synthetic oil?

Just let the oil float to the surface and skim it off.

What are the adaptations of the mountain zebra?

first of all the question doesn't make sense sooo... but here are a zebra's adaptations: 1. stripes- camouflage 2. big ears to let the heat out 3. their white fur reflects the sunlight 4. thin fur keep them cool 5. long legs let them run fast away from predators\ there you have it a zebras adaptations! :P

How does the curiosity not float away while on Mars?

Just like Earth's gravity holds you to Earth, and doesn't let you float away, Mars, too, has some gravity (less than Earth), which won't simply let objects float away into space.