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They rise to the surface when air is pumped IN. They sink when air is let out

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Q: Why do submarines float to the surface when the air is let out?
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How do you make a plastic bottle submarine float then sink and float?

put water in to let it sink... then put air into it to let it float...

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Just let the oil float to the surface and skim it off.

Why do submarines submerge?

To control its buoyancy, the submarine has ballast tanksand auxiliary, or trim tanks, that can be alternately filled with water or air. When you fill it with water, it sinks, When you first let the water out then you let the air in (from compressed air in the submarine) it floats.

How do you make a wet surface dry by air?

Let it sit and air dry.

Why do steal boats float?

Its called bouyancy...any object that is sealed off against water is bouyant...because air is light that water and as long as that air is trapped inside and not let to escape it will float

Why does a helium balloon float into the sky when you let go?

Helium is lighter than air, therefore it rises upwards.

How does a submarine float?

It floats and sink by changing its buoyancy. The primary method of controling buoyancy is the ballast tanks. The air is let out of them and is displaced by water. This gives the submarine negative buoyancy, which will get the submarine to submerge. By blowing or pumping air into those ballast tanks, the submarine becomes buoyant and rises to the surface.

Does a submarine float?

It floats and sink by changing its buoyancy. The primary method of controling buoyancy is the ballast tanks. The air is let out of them and is displaced by water. This gives the submarine negative buoyancy, which will get the submarine to submerge. By blowing or pumping air into those ballast tanks, the submarine becomes buoyant and rises to the surface.

How does the curiosity not float away while on Mars?

Just like Earth's gravity holds you to Earth, and doesn't let you float away, Mars, too, has some gravity (less than Earth), which won't simply let objects float away into space.

What happens to balloons when they are let go?

well it depends what type of balloon it is if it is filled with helium it will float higher and higher until it will pop under the air pressure. but if it a ballon filled with normal air it will just float back down or get blown away if there is wind

Why people float in swimming pool if they take a deep breath?

Because if you dont let some air out the carbon dioxide builds up inside of you and could make you pass out and drown. You're not blowing out to let out oxygen, you're blowing out to let out carbon dioxide u can blow up by going to the sun then u POP

What special adaptations do walruses have that let them float?

They have air sacs in their throat to help keep their head up so they can sleep without drowning