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Q: What special agency within the UN provides long-term humanitarian care to children and mothers in developing countries?
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UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Fund) was created by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1946 to provide emergency food and health care to children in countries devastated during World War 2. Headquartered in New York City, and now called the United Nations Children's Fund,its mission is not to provide longterm humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.

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It is cancer of the skin and it can come from longterm overexposure to the sun without sunscreen or people can get it from longterm use of tanning beds.

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No, not really, but Prolonged is sort of a word to use when someone has a dragging illness or something. Good question. Something that is longterm is permanent but something that is prolonged will go on for a while and eventually stop. EX: the longterm effects of smoking are____. The Prolonged illness went on for 3 years but then it was cured.

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