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Q: What special clothes are worn or foods eaten at Purim?
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What special foods do they eat on holidays?

Depending on who 'they' are. If 'they' were humans, then there can be various foods eaten.

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What is eaten on Christmas in Israel?

No special foods are eaten on Christmas in Israel. For the most part, the population of Israel is Jewish. Jews do not celebrate Christmas.

What do spanish foods do people eat on special holidays?

One of the Spanish foods that people eat on special holidays penne. Rice and beans are also eaten on holidays, along with flan.

How are foods and music used in celebrations?

Special food are eaten on special holidays for example, turkey on Thanksgiving. Special music are also played on special holidays such as Christmas carols on Christmas.

Are special foods eaten on Christmas?

In the United States special foods eaten on Christmas are turkey and/or ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, other side dishes, and often homemade yeast rolls. Desserts often are pumpkin pie, Pecan Pie, and other desserts. Fruit cake is also eaten.

Is there a dress or food that goes along with sukkot?

Dress: No, except (as in all festivals) that we wear proper and formal clothes (men wear suits and women where dresses) Foods: There is no special food eaten strictly for Sukkot, but there are the four species which are fruits and plant-stalks that are used in a ritualistic manner. These items, though, are not eaten.

Are there special foods on Chinese New Year?

Mostly fish and dumplings are eaten on C.N.Y.[Chinese New Year].

What food is eaten to celebrate Hanukkah?

Special foods include potato pancakes (latkes) and jelly donuts (sufganiyot). Also, any foods fried in oil are traditional.

What kinds special foods are eaten on chanukah?

The two most traditional foods are potato pancakes (also called latkes) and jelly donuts (also called sufganiot).

What staple foods are eaten in northern Russia?

staple foods are eaten in northern Russia are northern russia staple foods