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They will thrive on a mix of fish, turtle food, and some leafy vegetables.

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Q: What special food do yellow bellied slider turtles have to have?
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Does that sliders turtles have red on its head?

The red eared slider does, but the yellow bellied slider does not.

Will 3 yellow bellied slider turtles survive a night in a bucket?

Probably not turtles are very independent

Are res slider turtles legal?

Yes they are. I have one and my cusins have 2. yellow bellied sliders are legal too

Can yellow bellied slider turtles and African side neck turtles co habitate?

No. I just buried my African Clawed Frog due to yellow bellied turtles attacking him.

Can a yellow bellied slider turtle live with other reptiles?

If the habitat is large enough, they can live with other turtles of about the same size.

Are yellow bellied slider the same as yellow bellied turtles?

They are basically the same thing but yellow bellied sliders are more commonly said as the name of the turtle. Yes they are the same. Look it up, y do want to know, it doesn't make a difference, of how you say it they are the same thing.

What eats yellow bellied sliders?

they can eat slugs worms live fish and dead fish bugs .

Is a yellow bellied slider a vertebrate?

Yes it is - it has a skeleton !

Can Red-bellied turtles breed with Yellow-bellied turtles?

yes I'm almost positive

What is a plastron on a yellow bellied turtle?

The plastron is the part of the shell that faces the ground; it is the part protecting the turtle's abdomen. In the case of a yellow-bellied turtle such as a slider or cooter (as a hobbyist, I've had 2 MS yellow-bellied cooters in my life and I think they're great turtles), the plastron is in fact its yellow belly. Hope it helps.

Can you feed your baby yellow bellied slider fruit?


Can a baby yellow bellied slider live with a adult yellow bellied slider?

Turtles can be cannibalistic. Adult and hatchling turtles should not mix. Also turtles with large size differences should be kept separate. A larger turtle would quite happily take a snap at a hatchling causing serious damage or death. So no, don't mix your baby turtles with your adults.