

Best Answer

Miracles were not required for declaring a person a saint in the early

years of Chrisitianity. The person would have been declared a saint by

popular acclamation to a bishop based on the lives and merits of the

candidate. This was especially true if the person died the death of a

martyr as it was felt that making this ultimate sacrifice for Our Lord

would be an automatic designation of that person as a saint.

Even today, miracles are not always a requirement for canonization,

especially in the case of martyrs.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

Saint George is reputed to have saved a city from a dragon, which he then slayed. He is also said to have miraculously saved a princess from being sacrificed to the dragon. These acts are the most famous miracles associated with Saint George.

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15y ago

the story of saint george is about a brave knight that had been tasked with the job of slaying a great beast that had been threatening the nearby towns. dressed in his best armour and a strong lance he rode out on his stead to slay the beast. be had heard that the dragon had captured a damsel and rode harder to her rescue. like the brave knight he was he easily slayed the dragon with a mighty stab from his lance scewering the vile beast. (our personal version goes a bit differently with the dragon roasting the poor fool on his charge eating him and the damsel and flying off to more prosperous lands)

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9y ago

Saint George is a saint of legend and many of the stories surrounding his life are pure fabrications. While George definitely lived and died as a martyr there is on reliable information about any miracles he performed.

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9y ago

When George died, the canonization process did not exist. Declaring saints was the perogative of the local bishop and no miracles were required for canonization. Today only a pope can declare saints and miracles are usually required. George was declared a saint primarily because he was a martyr for his faith. While alive, St. George was not noted for being a miracle worker.

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9y ago

Non-Catholic Answer

Edward Gibbon provides a good summary of the life of George of Cappadocia, in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. George was a totally disreputable character who became Archbishop of Alexandria and Primate of Egypt. Even the Church of his day was appalled by his conduct and avarice, but was unable to dislodge him. When Julian the Apostate succeeded as emperor, he had George deposed and imprisoned for trial. However, the population was impatient with the delays of justice, forced the prison and killed George. Time forgave George, and he came to be widely revered as a martyr and saint.

He became known as the "great martyr" in the Orthodox world. His legend grew in the 6th century and by the 12th century, he was reputed to be a dragon-slayer (possibly based on the story of Perseus slaying the sea monster in Greek mythology). St. George was named the patron of England in the fourteenth century.

Catholic Answer:
Modern reputable historians are pretty much in agreement that Edward Gibbon was in error when he associated Saint George the Martyr with the heretical bishop of Cappadocia. They were two distinct individuals separated by nearly 3 generations in history and hundreds of miles of distance. Saint George suffered martyrdom during the reign of Diocletian when he refused to renounce Chrisitianity and make offerings to the pagan Roman dieties. He was tortured and beheaded in Nicomedia, Palestine, in the year 303. George of Cappadocia was kicked to death by an angry mob in Alexandria in 361 and his mangled corps paraded around town for all to see before it was burned and the ashes thrown into the sea. The Arian heretics considered him a martyr and it is because of this that Gibbon mistook him for the real Saint George who is recognized by both the Eastern and Western Churches as a martyr. For additional information and verification see this link.

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4y ago

because he

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