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I don't think there are any, except those that live in a zoo.

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6y ago

Only the American black bear is found in Texas.

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Q: What species of bears are found in Texas?
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Polar bears.

What bears can be found in north America?

The four species of bears found in North America are the Polar Bear, Brown Bear, Grizzley Bear and Black Bear. The Grizzley and Brown bear are generally considered the same species.

What 4 bears can be found in North America?

The four species of bears found in North America are the Polar Bear, Brown Bear, Grizzley Bear and Black Bear. The Grizzley and Brown bear are generally considered the same species.

What bears are native to the US?

There are three species of bears native to the United States. They are the Polar Bear, the Grizzly Bear and the Black Bear.

Do grizzly bears live in Antarctica?

No. There are no bears in Antarctica of any species.

Are the bears endangered in the US?

No. No species of bear is endangered in the U.S. The bears found there, the brown and black bears, are listed as least concern, and the polar bear is listed as vulnerable. Some local populations may be under threat, but as full species, none are endangered.

Are black bears and bears the same?

Black bears are a species of bear.

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Yes there are many armadillos in sam antonio Texas

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Endemic means found only in a specific region , thus polar bears are endemic to polar regions .

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Where in Texas do bobcats live?

Bobcats are found throughout the state of Texas. They can adapt and live in a variety of locations and climates. There are two species of bobcats found in this state.

How many bear species in Canada?

Brown bears, black bears ,Grizzly bearsActually, grizzly bears are brown bears (brown bears is the species name, and it includes Kodiak, Russian Brown Bears and Grizzlies among others). Also, there are Polar Bears in Canada as well. So the answer is Brown (Grizzly and Kodiak), Black, and Polar bears.brown grizzly and kodiak bears,black,and polar bears live in Canada