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A: The Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris) is a small dolphin found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which they will spin longitudinally along their axis as they leap through the air.

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Q: What species of dolphin has these letters NERPINS?
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What is the slowest species of dolphin?

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Is the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin endangered?

The Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin is far from an endangered species. The animal is the most common dolphin species in the Atlantic.

Which is the largest dolphin in the world?

The orca is the largest dolphin species.

What is the most common species of dolphin?

Atlantic bottlenose dolphin Bottlenose Dolphins are the most common species of dolphin. Of course, they are the most recognizable and popular dolphin as well. Bottlenose dolphins are likely the dolphin you think of when your hear the word "dolphin".

Is a bottle nose dolphin the same as a spotted nose dolphin?

no, they are two different dolphin species

How much does an average dolphin way?

Dolphin weight varies from species to species. For the smallest dolphin the weight can be 30 Kg. and the largest species like the orca can weight up to 5 t I hope this helps.

Are Dolphin on the endangered species list?

Yes, sadly some species of dolphin are on the endangered list, this is because of people hunting them.

What animals live in a bottlenose dolphins habitat?

The bottlenose dolphin sometimes forms mixed species groups with other species from the dolphin family, particularly larger species such as the Short-finned Pilot Whale, the False Killer Whale and Risso's Dolphin. They also interact with smaller species, such as the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin and the Rough-toothed Dolphin. While interactions with smaller species are sometimes affiliative, they can also be hostile.

What type of dolphin can dive down the farthest?

The orca, the biggest species of dolphin.

Why is bottlenose dolphins is endangered?

The Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin is far from an endangered species. The animal is the most common dolphin species in the Atlantic.

Is the dolphin on the endangered species list?

it depends on what type of dolphin your talking about the common dolphin is not endangered but the Chinese river dolphin is critically endangered

Dolphin scientific name?

The scientific name for dolphins is Delphinidae. This is the family name that includes various species of dolphins found in the ocean.