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Q: What specific skills and qualities does this person possess that make them successful?
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How do you spell possess or possess?

The spelling would be "She possesses the qualities..." The third person singular, present tense, is the -es form of the verb possess.

Why does it take courage to possess and display qualities of persistence and enthusiasm?

It takes courage to possess and display qualities of persistence and enthusiasm because it is human nature to want to please other people. For example, if a person asks another person to join a game of checkers, but the person being asked hates checkers, the answer might be, "yes", because the person being asked likes the person who asked.

What personal and social qualities should a person who is running for president possess?

Should have went to collage a good record and be married

What does a fan tattoo symbolize?

Specific tattoos do not possess a specific meaning. Tattoos are a symbolism of a person's own self expression.

What is personal qualities?

Personal qualities are the specific characteristics of a person that make them who they are. Personal qualities can be both bad and good. Examples include honesty, creativity, and friendliness.

What obstacles did this person have to overcome to become successful?

This cannot be answered, without knowing what specific person you are asking about.

What social or personal qualities should a person running for president possess?

smart canidatial and others just know?whatever will i said that a person has to know what to do in order to be a president of the united states of amercia

What qualities should a dependable person possess?

leadership willingness to help others timely goal oriented always performs their best no matter what situation they are handed

What is the theme of poem 'if' by Rudyard Kipling?

The poem categorizes all the qualities that combine to make a man better than his fellow being.the poem is idealistic in nature because it is rare for a person to possess qualities like unlimited patience,tolerance and humanity when others hate you or misinterpret your words for their selfish gains. A man who is successful is mastering all the qualities listed in the poem,can call himself worthy of being a man. the poem is didactic in tone and content.

Why do you think you are the best person for the job?

i have all the abilities which your company wants like i have a very good reasoning and analytical ability ,good communication skills and the qualities which a professional should possess in order to move in any industry like integrity, honesty, sympathy self-esteem and determination i do possess all these qualities and while working in your company i will improve all these qualities in a much better way.

What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the university community?

Someone needing to answer this interview question will not be able to locate the answer online. This is something that the employer will want to know about the person themselves.

How can a person be in love with a person that has a big ego?

People are often attracted to people with confidence. A person who is confident is usually successful and self-respecting which are valuable qualities. Unfortunately, some people have big egos which can be mistaken for confidence.